You give birth

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Right as the ambulance arrived your water broke. You were trying your best not to panic, but you couldn't help it. You were surprised at how calm Predaking was being. During the whole ride to the hospital he would reassure you that everything was going to be fine. But right as the ambulance pulled up to the hospital you felt the head of one of your daughters start to poke out.

"Preston! I feel a head!" You said, using his holoform's first name.

Just as Predaking was about to say something a bunch of nurses came to get you out of the ambulance and took you into the hospital. Predaking made sure to follow the nurses to the delivery room. As soon as you were placed on the bed the doctor sat on a chair and got in between your legs while Predaking stood next to you and held your hand.

"You are doing fine, my love." Predaking said as you started pushing.

"You bet I am! And we are NOT having any more kids after this!" You yelled loudly.

After a few minutes you pushed your first daughter out. You smiled when you heard her screaming her head off as a nurse too her to clean her off. After several more hours of screaming, sweating, yelling and squeezing Predaking's holoform's hand off your other two daughters were brought into the world. When the nurses brought your daughters back from being cleaned off you saw that they were wrapped in pink blankets. Before you knew it your daughters were placed in your arms.

"Do you have any names?" The doctor asked you and Predaking.

"Yes, the first one born is Emmeila, Elizabeth, King. The second one born is Laila, Rose, King. And the third one is Penny, Alice, King." You told the doctor.

Once the doctor wrote the names of your daughters on the birth certificates she and the nurses left the room. You couldn't believe that your daughters were finally here. They had your skin tone and facial features and they had Predaking's hair color. And when they opened their eyes you saw that they were yellow, just like their father's.

"May I hold one?" Predaking asked softly.

"Yes, of course you can." You replied.

Predaking then carefully picked Laila up as if she was made of glass. He had never seen anything so tiny. When Laila gripped one of his fingers he smiled.

"They're perfect." He whispered.

"Yeah, they are." You said as you looked at Emmeila and Penny.

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