First fight

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Today Predaking was even more mad because he found out that Megatron had wanted the other Predacons to be terminated. You wanted to help calm him down, but you weren't sure how. When he came into the lab you cleared your throat.

"What do you want?" Predaking asked you as he transformed.

"I-I.." Was all you said.

"Spit it out you insolent femme!" Predaking yelled angrily.

"Look, I'm just trying to cheer you up." You said calmly.

"I do not need cheering up! I just lost my Predacon brethren!" Predaking yelled louder.

"I know you're mad, but that doesn't mean that you can just go around yelling at innocent bystanders!" You said loudly.

"You should have respect for your King!" Predaking growled.

"You are NOT my king!" You yelled.

"I should have just left you on that pathetic excuse for a planet!" Predaking yelled as he stormed out of the lab.

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