A few years later/you find him

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It had been five years since Predaking had set you free. Ever since then though you had made a good life for yourself. You ended up getting a job in England that paid really well and you moved into a mansion. Agent Fowler helped you get all of your stuff that you had in the Nemesis to your new home. You loved your new home. But lately there had been reports of dragon sightings, but you didn't pay attention to them.

Right now you were taking a walk in the forest. As you were walking you heard a loud screeching sound and a metal against metal sound. Then you felt the ground shake. When you turned around you saw your long lost love.

"Who are you? How dare you enter into my territory!" Predaking yelled angrily, not recognizing you.

"Predaking it's me, Y/n." You said loudly.

"Y/n? Is it really you?" Predaking asked as he carefully picked you up.

"Yes, it's me." You said as you tried not to cry.

"I have missed you." Predaking said softly.

"I've missed you too." You said as you shed a few tears.

Predaking told you about what had happened and why he was back on Earth. Then you told him about your life and your new home. When Predaking brought you to your new home he carefully put you on the ground and activated his holoform. After you showed him around he carried you bridle style to your bedroom.

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