He meets a wild animal

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Today you had been hearing a strange sound in Shockwave's lab. It kind of sounded like a bird. When Predaking walked into the lab you ran across the floor and got his attention.

"Y/n, do not run across the floor. You could get hurt." Predaking said as he scolded you.

"Sorry. I just wanted to know why it sounds like there's a bird in here." You said loudly so that he could hear you.

"Is this what you mean?" Predaking asked as he picked a cage up off of the counter and set it on the floor in front of you.

There, in the cage was a pair of bald eagles. You couldn't believe that someone had gone as far as capturing such magnificent birds.

"Who captured them?" You asked Predaking.

"Shockwave. He wanted to experiment with them." Predaking said seriously.

"That is so low. They should be free! Not in a cage!" You said angrily.

"I know." Predaking said sadly.

"Take them outside and set them free!" You snapped.

"That will cause trouble." Predaking said.

"I don't fucking care! They deserve to be free!" You yelled.

"I will free them." Predaking said as he picked the cage up and went to go free the eagles.

Predaking x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now