You go into labor

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As you got closer to your due date you realized that you wouldn't be able to get to the hospital. So you decided to call an ambulance when the time came. But as you woke up one morning you starting to feel cramps in your lower abdomen. As the day went by the cramps got a little worse. Even Predaking noticed it.

"Y/n, you really must rest." Predaking said as his holoform leaned against the doorway to the kitchen.

"I know, but I'm hungry." You said.

Right as you were reaching for something you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen. Then you felt something wet in between your legs.

"P-Preda, please get me my phone." You said.

Predaking went and got your phone out of the living room and brought it to you. You quickly dialed the number that you had on speed dial and called an ambulance.

"My bag Predaking, where is it?" You asked him.

"It is by the front door." Predaking said as he helped you get to the living room.

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