Techno organic

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Emmeila, Laila and Penny are now eight years old. And they do not use a key to transform.

Today you and Predaking were outside with Emmeila, Laila and Penny. Just recently Laila had learned how to transform into her techno organic form. Emmeila and Penny really wanted to transform to, so today they were trying.

"Mom, why is transforming so hard?" Penny asked you.

"Ask your father." You replied.

"Why is transforming so hard?" Penny asked Predaking.

"It isn't once you get the hang of it." Predaking told her.

Penny then went back to trying to transform. Meanwhile Emmeila had successfully learned how to transform.

"Mom! Dad! Look, I transformed!" Emmeila said happily.

"Yes, we see." You said as you smiled.

Penny felt a little jealous that both of her sisters had transformed. So she was determined to try again. After a while of focusing she was finally able to transform.

"I did it!" Penny shouted happily.

"You three have done a good job at transforming." Predaking said as he activated his holoform.

Emmeila, Penny and Laila then ran up to Predaking and hugged him. You couldn't help but join in on the group hug. Later that day Predaking helped your daughters learn how to use their new weapons that they had in their techno organic forms.



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