Confession/first kiss

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It was Christmas Eve and so far you had already set up the decorations that you had Predaking get for you. When you told him what Christmas was he instantly wanted to celebrate it with you. Right now you were just finishing hanging some mistletoe up in your kitchen doorway.

"Y/n, I must tell you something." Predaking said as his holoform appeared next to you.

"Okay." You said as you got off of the little stepping stool and moved it.

"Y/n, for a while now I have had romantic feelings for you, if it is okay with you I would very much love to court you." Predaking said politely.

"I would love that." You said as you smiled.

"Thank you." Predaking said happily.

"You know, we're under the mistletoe." You said as you winked at him.

"So?" Predaking asked, clearly not getting what you were hinting at.

"When two people stand under the mistletoe they have to kiss." You told him.

"In that case, may I kiss you?" Predaking asked you.

"Of course." You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

Predaking was a little nervous to kiss you. He had never been affectionate with anyone before. You noticed that he looked nervous so you pressed your lips to his. Predaking felt his knees get weak as soon as you kissed him. He placed his hands on your hips. You both ended up making out for about twenty minutes before Shockwave called Predaking to go with him.

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