The first night at home with your daughters

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When the doctor said that you could finally go home you were really happy. So after you and Predaking got your daughters and your hospital bag you both were able to take a mostly empty bus home. Once you both finally got home it was already late. So after you got your daughters ready for bed you put them in the nursery. Then you did your nightly routine and went to bed.

During the night though you heard crying over the baby monitor. Thankfully Predaking's holoform was in bed with you.

"I will go see what they need." Predaking said softly as he got out of bed.

When Predaking walked into the nursery he carefully picked Penny up. He checked on Emmeila and Laila and thankfully they were still sleeping.

"Hush now, I am here now." Predaking said as he calmed Penny down.

As Predaking held Penny to his chest he noticed that she kept opening her mouth and pressing it to his chest. At first he was very confused. Until he realized that she was hungry. So he brought her to your bedroom.

"She is hungry." Predaking said as he joined you on your bed.

When you sat up you pulled part of your pajama shirt up, exposing one of your breasts. Then Predaking handed Penny to you. As soon as you offered one of your nipples to Penny she started drinking. Once she was finished you burped her.

"Here, she should fall asleep pretty easily." You said as you handed Penny back to Predaking.

As he took Penny back to the nursery he smelled an awful smell. He knew what it was and with great courage he took Penny over to the changing table and changed her diaper. Once he was done Penny fell asleep easily. After he placed her back in her crib he went back to your room, joined you on your bed and fell asleep. Unfortunately about an hour later Emmeila and Laila decided to wake up, so Predaking had to take care of them so that you could get some sleep.

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