When you get sick

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One morning when you woke up you felt terrible. Your body ached, your nose was stuffy, your throat hurt and you had a small headache. You also noticed that Shockwave's lab felt a little cold.

"Hey, can you turn the heat on?" You asked Shockwave as he passed by.

"It is in the process of being fixed." Shockwave told you before he walked out of his lab.

You sneezed and coughed a little as you pulled your blanket up to your neck. After a while Predaking walked into the lab and saw you in bed.

"You do not look well." Predaking stated as he walked over to your house in the closet.

"I'm ick." You mumbled.

"What?" Predaking asked you.

"I said I'm ick." You said a little louder.

Predaking decided to go get Knockout. Since everyone already knew that you were on the Nemesis Predaking didn't have to worry about you getting killed. A few moments later Predaking came back into the lab with Knockout. When Knockout saw you he immediately knew that you were sick.

"Wakey wakey, Doll." Knockout said softly.

"Who are you?" You asked Knockout when you saw him.

"I'm Knockout, the Decepticon's sexiest medic." Knockout said proudly.

"I'm ick." You said.

"I know, now, please take your blanket off so I can scan you." Knockout told you.

You hesitantly took your blanket off. Knockout did a couple of scans on you before he told you to cover yourself up again.

"Hmm, it seems that you have something called a 'cold'." Knockout said after a few moments.

"Okay, thanks Knockout." You said as you fell asleep.

Knockout then told Predaking how to take care of you before he went back to the med bay. Later on when you woke up again Predaking made you some soup.

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