You get a minor injury

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As you were cutting some fruit to go with your lunch you started to wonder if Predaking could eat human food while in his holoform. You made a mental note to ask him later. When you were finished cutting the fruit you went to go put the knife in your dishwasher. That is until you were startled by a sudden loud noise, causing you to drop the knife. And unfortunately you were barefooted.

"FUCK!" You screamed when the knife cut the top of your left foot.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Predaking asked as his holoform appeared next to you.

"No, I just cut my foot!" You said as you grabbed the small first aid kit off on one of the counters.

Predaking watched you as you cleaned the cut, put Neosporin on it and put a bandaid on it. He then watched as you cleaned the blood off of the floor.

"What was that sound anyway?" You asked Predaking.

"Shockwave accidentally blew something up." Predaking stated.

"Well tell him not to." You said as you went to your dining room after you grabbed your lunch.

Predaking decided to join you. You actually liked having someone to talk to, especially someone who wasn't constantly saying something is logical or illogical.

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