He turns you on

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Just recently Predaking had gotten a sexy night gown for you to wear and today he was going to give it to you. He had asked Knockout for some relationship advice and Knockout told him to get you something sexy to wear, so he did.

"Y/n.... I have brought something for you." Predaking said boldly when his holoform appeared next to you while you were in your living room.

"What is it?" You asked him curiously.

"I have brought you a new nightgown." Predaking said as he held the nightgown up by it's thin straps.

When you saw how reveling the nightgown was you couldn't help but blush. You had to admit that is was incredibly hot that Predaking would get you something so sexy.

"I- th-thanks." You stuttered as you took the nightgown from him.

"I expect you to wear it tonight." Predaking whispered seductively in your right ear, making a tingling feeling go down your spine.

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