Your daughter's first periods

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Penny, age 12

One Saturday afternoon you noticed that Penny hadn't been feeling to good. While she was in the bathroom you heard a scream. Your heart pounded as you ran to the bathroom.

"Penny! What's wrong?" You asked her through the door.

"I'm bleeding!" Penny sobbed.

"It's fine, you've just started your period." You told her.

"I hate my period!" Penny said loudly.

"I know. Just put a pad in your underwear and put the sticky side down. Then take some aspirin." You instructed her.

Penny did as you said. She didn't really like the feeling of the pad, but it was better than bleeding everywhere. And she wished that the aspirin would kick in quicker. When she was finished she pulled her pants up, opened the bathroom door and walked out.

"Go rest, I'll bring you your favorite food." You told her.

"Thanks mom." Penny said as she went to go rest in her bedroom.


Emmeila, age 13

When Emmeila woke up one morning and felt a cramping sensation she knew that she had gotten her period. Thankfully she knew exactly what to do. As soon as she walked into the dining room she saw you, Laila, Penny and Predaking's holoform.

"I got it." Emmeila said as she sat down at the table.

"Did you get a pad on and take aspirin?" You asked Emmeila.

"Yeah, I did." Emmeila replied as she put some eggs and bacon on her plate.


Laila, age 13

One day you got a call from the school saying that you needed to pick Laila up. On the way there you thought that something serious had happened. But when you got there you were relieved that she had only gotten her period. Leila however was extremely embarrassed because she had bled through her skirt. On the way home you tried to comfort her.

"Leila, it's perfectly normal to bleed through clothes." You said as you drove.

"But everyone in my class saw!" Leila said dramatically.

"True, but I'm sure that at least some of the other girls have been in the same situation at some point." You told her.

"But the boys saw too!" Leila said as she started crying.

"It's fine, besides, those boys are probably having their own problem whenever the wind blows a certain way." You said.

"I-I guess so." Leila said as she placed her hands in her lap.

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