First steps

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As you were dusting the living room one afternoon Laila, Emmeila and Penny were in the living room with you. Since Predaking was out looking for energon you had to keep an eye on your daughters. When you felt something on your leg you looked down and saw Emmeila hugging your leg.

"Mommy!" Emmeila said happily when she saw that she had your attention.

"Did you just walk?" You asked Emmeila.

"Ya." She replied.

You picked Emmeila up and hugged her. You couldn't believe that one of your daughters was already walking. You could hardly wait for Predaking to come back.


When Predaking got back after looking for energon he activated his holoform and came into your house. When he walked into the living room where you were watching tv he sat next to you on the couch. You then told him about Emmeila taking her first steps. When Penny saw him she wanted him to pick her up. So she slowly figured out how to stand up on her own and take a few steps without falling.

"Siwe!" Penny said happily as she walked towards the couch.

"You did not tell me that Penny was walking." Predaking said.

"I didn't know that she was going to start walking too." You said in shock.

After a few more wobbly steps Penny finally made it to the couch. When Predaking picked her up she looked very happy that she figured out how to walk on her own.


One morning while you and Predaking were getting Emmeila and Penny dressed Leila wanted some attention. Even though she was already dressed she still wanted to be picked up. So Leila did what she saw her sisters do in order to walk. Soon enough she was up on her feet and taking a few wobbly steps.

"Mama! Papa!" Leila said as she took a few steps towards you.

When you and Predaking saw Leila walking you both were smiling. But when she fell over you thought that she was going to cry. You were surprised when she started giggling.

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