Cute moment with your daughters

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Just recently Emmeila, Laila and Penny had learned how to crawl. You of course had already baby proofed your entire house so you didn't have anything to worry about. Right now you and Predaking were on the living room floor with all three of your daughters.

"They are quiet active this afternoon." Predaking said as Penny crawled over to him.

"Yes, they are." You said.

When Penny started trying to climb onto Predaking's lap Emmeila and Laila decided to join her. You couldn't help but smile as all three of your daughters tried to get on their father's lap. Predaking however wasn't sure what to do when Emmeila and Laila tried getting on his lap. So he laid down. After he laid down Penny, Laila and Emmeila started climbing all over him.

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