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Ever since you became pregnant you had been having some very strange cravings. You would eat peanut butter mixed with whipped cream and you would also eat Ritz crackers dipped in yogurt. But the one food that you craved the most was dragon fruit. You just couldn't get enough of it. So today after work you stopped by the store to buy more dragon fruit since you were out at home.

When you got home and got out of your car Predaking, who was sunbathing, activated his holoform.

"Hey Preda, can you help me get this dragon fruit to the kitchen?" You asked Predaking as you gestured to the dragon fruit in your car.

"Of course, sweetspark." Predaking said as he picked the bag of dragon fruit up.

Once you and Predaking got to your kitchen he put the bag of dragon fruit on one of the kitchen counters. Then you proceeded to take one of the fruits to your cutting board so that you could cut it open.

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