Drifted Away

538 13 17

Darkstalker's pov:

(Three years later, sixth grade...)

"Brother wake up! Time to go to school!" Whiteout shouted.

I shot my head up and looked at the time.

"CRAP IM GONNA BE LATE! Why didn't anyone wake me!" I yelled back and jumped out of bed.

"Mother and Father have gone to work early and I wasn't keeping track of time, sorry" Whiteout answered.

I groaned and started to get ready.

I grabbed a red hoodie with black jeans, then put on my Nike's and grabbed my bag that was already packed from that night.

I grabbed a piece of toast and grabbed Whiteout, leaving the house and locking it.

We ran all the way to school which was just less then a mile away.

I place my hands on my knees and panted from the run. Whiteout seemed to be fine.

"Come on brother, the bell is about to go!" she said and ran inside.

I followed her into the doors and ran to my locker, putting my stuff away and running to my class that was about to start.


"She likes me back! I can't believe it!!!" Fathom shouts happily.

"Wait, Indigo confessed!? Isn't she, you know, in high school?" Clearsight asked.

"Well, yeah, but if you think about it, the age gap isn't that far! So I guess things could work out!"

At that moment, I got a text, from Indigo. Damn, what a coincidence.

Indigo: Darkstalker, I need you to tell this to Fathom OK? I can't tell him myself....

Me: Sure, what is it?

Indigo: Well, I have just been told that I'm going to be moving away, like, really far away! To a place called Pyrrhia.

Me: What!? No! You can't! Clearsight and Fathom are gonna be heartbroken!!!

Indigo: I know, I know, now I regret confessing to him Sunday.... I mean, I still love him but now it's gonna be way worse.

Anyway, Pyrrhia is going to be were I spend the rest of my highschool years and college.

Me: WHAT!? After all that were probably never gonna see you again...

Indigo: We can all still stay in contact, I just, might be busy most of the time...

Me: Well, OK, but I can't tell Fathom that, you have to, I'm sorry

Indigo: It's OK, I'll tell him after school.

Me: OK, I gtg, I'll c u after school

Indigo: OK c ya

I put down my phone and frowned, glancing at Fathom.

"You OK Darkstalker?" Clearsight asked, placing her pale hand on my shoulder.

"Uh- yeah- I guess" I answered.

Suddenly, something buzzed and Fathom pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"Oh it's Indigo! She said she wanted te meet me after school!" he said, excited.

I frowned. He's gonna be broken after today.

Class went on and once the bell finally went, everyone ran out.

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