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Darkstalker's pov:

The door swung open and there she stood.

Clearsight's mother, Swiftwings.

"Oh, um, hi!" I said nervously. 

I looked down at the woman, her eyes wide with shock. 

"Do I know you?" she asks, her voice cracking a bit.

Obviously, she did. When I was a child, every time I went over to visit Clearsight, she would make us snacks such as sandwiches and cookies, what ever made a kid happy. She would take to the park or just out somewhere until we were old enough to go on our own. She was probably one of the most nicest women I've ever met. My mother would do the same, but she wouldn't take us out as often. 

I was always jealous of Clearsight's family, how they were always so happy when I would come over, or how I never once witnessed her parents fight over small things. The perfect family. Quite the opposite of mine really.

"I believe so" was all I said as I gave her a warm smile. 

Then suddenly, she gasps, practically telling me she realised who I was.

"Darkstalker?" she whispers, her voice now hoarse.

"The one and only" I laughed and did a little bow. 

When I looked back up she was embracing me. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you since we left! Oh we missed you so much! You should've seen how miserable Clearsight was, it broke out hearts. How's your parents!? Oh what about Fathom! Hows he?" she hit me with so many questions, but I knew exactly how to answer them. 

But before I could, she practically pulled me inside the house and sat me in the rather old fashioned living room.

"Sweetie! Look whose here!!!" Swiftwings  shouted.

I saw Clearsight's father come out from the hallway. His eyes widened, and he almost looked he would drop his mug of whatever he was drinking on the ground. 

"Is that who I think it is!?" he asked as he started grinning.

"Its Darkstalker! Look how big and handsome he is!" Swiftwings laughed then grabbed my left cheek and squished it. I laughed nervously and rubbed my cheek after she finally let go, probably leaving a little red mark there.

"Well would you look at that! When did your family move down here!?" he asks eagerly as he held out his free hand, which I gladly shook.

"Just a few weeks ago, I had no idea you guys were living down here until I saw Clearsight at school" I answered.

"Well isn't that just lovely! You and Clearsight are going to the same school! Oh! That reminds me, Clearsight! Get down her right now!!!" Swiftwings shouted again.

I heard fast footsteps coming from the top of the stairs, and finally I saw her. Clearsight appeared at the bottom of the staircase. When she saw me, her eyes lit up, making my heart flutter.

"I assume you guys have already met?" Clearsights father said, turning his gaze to his daughter.

She just nodded as she kept her eyes on me, smiling happily. Finally she was out of her 'trance' and walked over to sit next to me on the couch. I quietly slipped my hand into hers and squeezed it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her smile once again.

"Anyways, back to my questions, how's  your parents?" Swiftwings asked me eagerly. 

"Well, a couple of months after you all left, my fathers business place was burnt down by an accident" yeah, an accident, "So he purchased another building here to restart all his experiments and new tech, which is the whole reason we moved here."

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