The Unknown Ego

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Darkstalker's pov:

Her face was utterly confused and scared, and it made me feel horrible. But also. . . amused. Its like seeing someone tremble in fear was the most funniest and entertaining thing I could think of. The same sort of trembling and quivering as my father had done. The memory made me shiver once again.

I had pulled away and gripped her hands tightly. I pecked her cheek as I continued to laugh and run, pulling her along with me. The Deja-vu kicked in as it reminded me of the time I had dragged Fathom behind me as we fled from the scene of the screaming teenagers. Fun times. Fun times indeed.

"Slow down damnit!" Clearsight screamed, tripping over her feet. 

Although it was like I couldn't even hear her. Her voice was just one of the many droplets in a thundering storm, not able to be heard or acknowledged by anyone. Like a tree in the woods that's fallen, crashing to the ground, but no one was around to hear it. So did it really make a sound? I heard the muffled sound of her begging me to slow down again, but it was just a noise disturbing me from my ongoing triumph of victory. Because I was the night in shining armour that had finally taken down the monster, and retrieved my damsel to finally evacuate this place and live happily ever after.

But would I really be happy with the decision I made? With this blood on my hands? With the continuous begs from my father ringing in my head? It all seemed to happen so fast, yet my mind was keeping up with it. But it wasn't keeping up with what was happening around me.

I felt Clearsights hand fall from my grasp, causing me to stop and turn around. She was on the ground, clutching her knee. There was blood slipping through her fingers and dripping onto the concrete. An agonized pain had formed on her face as she huffed and bit her lip. Once again, a satisfying sensation rushed through me. Like I enjoyed this. Enjoyed the view of someone suffering in pain. It made the. . . ordinary, side of me sick.

"Clearsight!" I shouted, running back towards her and kneeling down. 

I went to help her but she removed a hand from her knee and grabbed mine, preventing me from doing so. My heart fell, shattering to pieces. She didn't want me to help her, and it hurt. Wait, was this my fault!? 

I looked down at my hands before scraping them across my scalp in frustration. I had gone to fast, she must've tripped and grazed her knee. And it was all my fault. I hated seeing her in pain! At least, I thought I did. The uncertainty was giving me a head ache. I looked back at her to see she was trying to get back up. 

I stood up first and grabbed her arms, pulling her the rest of the way. She fell into my arms and scowled, glancing back down at the wound. Blood was gushing from her mangled skin, and I could tell Clearsight was holding back a gag.

It was pretty ghastly, and it just made me feel worse. Or did it make me feel better? Did it make me feel sick to see the person I adore so much bleeding like this or did it make me so much satisfaction I couldn't help but shiver and prey for more? This new feeling,  it made me want more of it. More of the red liquid that I seemed to find myself seeing more and more commonly these days. I think they called it bloodlust. A never ending desire for the enticing feeling of the blood rushing through your fingers, but it wasn't just the blood I found gratifying. 

It was the adrenaline of the murder, of the screams or whimpering or even the simple horrified face of the victim. The preys and begs for the torcher to stop. I had only sinned like this once, yet I wanted more. It was like a drug, you take it once, you get addicted. 

Reaching my hand down towards the injury, I swipe the tip of my fingers gently across the blood. I brought it back up to my face and just stared at it. As I rubbed it with my thumb, I realised Clearsight was staring at me with an utterly confused and scared expression. I jumped and quickly wiped the moisture onto my pants.

"S-Sorry, I-um- I dunno why I did that. . ." 

She nodded slowly, but kept her narrowed eyes on mine. To dodge the concerned stare, I ripped a bit of my sleeve off my shirt. I made sure Clearsight was balanced before kneeling back down and wrapping the torn fabric around the bloody graze. 

"Darkstalker, don't worry about it" she said quietly, raising a hand to my face.

She placed the cold hand on my cheek, pulling my face towards her steadily. Her expression had changed from scared to sympathetic and pityful. No, I didn't want her pity. It just made me feel weak and fragile. I wasn't neither of those things! And I'm pretty sure i made that clear when I placed the bullet in Arctic's head. 

"Just tell me what you did, then we can continue."

I looked up at her and smiled. I wanted to tell her, but I was. . . afraid. I was fearful she would run away and tell the police, or maybe break up with me and walk off, disgusted by my actions. But the one I most feared was the possibility she would leave again. Leave me again, move out, but this time never wanting to see me again. She could dump me if she wishes, she could shout and spit at me and tell me what a horrible person I was. But I didn't want her to go. Never again. I don't think I could take in the fact she broke her promise and left. Without saying goodbye, without even glancing at me one last time. I would end my life right then and there. 

"I'll - I'll tell you when we get there, I promise" I stated simply, standing up and holding her hands, "And, sorry about you knee, I guess I got carried away. . .~ Uh, can you walk?" 

She took and step on the injured leg, winced, but then nodded. I let go of one hand but kept a tight grip on the other, ready to catch her if she falls or trips again. We walked side by side at a slow pace, remaining silent the rest of the way there.

(Thirty Minutes later)

We stood in the parking lot of the labs. It was almost empty except for the few cars parked around the place and the two guards who were posted outside the metal front doors, preventing anyone from getting in without permission or recognition. 

I walked up to them calmly, wrapping my arm around Clearsight's shoulder. Although I was quite embarrassed to show up in slightly ripped up pajama's and looking like I had just gotten out of bed. It only made me feel worse when the one on the left widened there eyes and smirked, whilst the other one just glared at me.

"What the heck is a kid doin' here?" the left guard said, aiming the question towards his partner.

"Don't ask me" the other guys deeper voice mumbled, "State your business!"

My smile widened as I narrowed my eyes at the both of them. 

"Why, could've used more manners!" I chuckled, but stopped and glared nonexistent daggers into their eyes, "Considering I'm your new boss."

(A/N): YAY AN UPDATE! Hope you enjoyed it! It might be shorter than the others, but I couldn't give two fricks :) Anywho, sorry it took ages yet again, I guess I've just been occupied with a few other things. PLUS I'm working on like, four other books, one of them is very scary. . . y'all already know what it is if you've read my previous announcements that no one responds to and it makes me feel awkward :D  Oh and follow my lovely editor goddess_of_glitter!

Remember to GIVE UR OC'S PLLLLLLLLLLSSSSS!  Follow me (if u wish idfk) and leave a vote. But most importantly, stay home, WASH UR HANDS, and stay safe. Thanks for readin! Luv y'all! <3  

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