I Hate You

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Darkstalker's pov:

"What bad news!?" Fathom hissed.

Bullfrog frowned and looked down at his feet.

"No" was all Fathom said.

Then he said it again and again until he was shrieking it, just like earlier.

Before he could run up and book it down the halls to them, Bullfrog grabbed him.

"I'm sorry, I really am, but we couldn't do much! Your parents injuries were both so bad, there wasn't any possible way for them to live!"

"Wait.... Both of them!!??" Fathom screeched.

Bullfrog cursed at his words.

"Please let me see them, please!"

"I'm sorry, but we can't do that, the coroner is already on its way to pick them up..." Bullfrog said softly, struggling to keep Fathom in his grasp.

I grabbed onto him and pulled him from Bullfrog, hugging him again.

After a long while Fathom finally gave up and rested his head on my shoulder, sobbing softly.

"What's gonna happen to him?" I asked the doctor.

He just shrugged, unsure of what to do next, just like I was.

(Three weeks later)

Fathom had been staying with us for a little while, but after a week, he went to Foster Care.

I felt so horrible about this, it hurt.

After a couple of days, mother insisted we adopted Fathom.

Father wasn't sure about this (as was I) but after a while mother had convinced him.

This was good and bad.

Good, because then he'll have someone, and his my best friend.

Bad, because, well, of my father.

It took a while with all the papers and all, but we finally got it.

So here I was, in my room sitting with Fathom.

He was going to be sleeping on a mattress next to my bed until we get him is own.

He was so sad recently now, everything had happened so fast.

He was burying his face into his knees most of the time, ignoring us and all, but we understood and let him be.

"Why didn't you call?" he asked me suddenly, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, why didn't you call Clearsight?"

I frowned and looked out the window.

"I don't know, I just felt if I did, I'd hate her more..."

He looked at me, shocked. I just shook my head.

"She left us.... Just like Indigo did. And I hate her for it. I hate Indigo for it too. They just left. Clearsight was supposed to stand by my side, stay with me till the end, or maybe I was supposed to do that, and I hate myself for that. Your the only person who's ever stayed with me, stood by me, helped me through everything. I just wanted Clearsight there too."

Then, I felt it.

The tears.

Once again, the tears. But these ones were full of hatred and sadness.

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