Forgotten Love

319 10 18

Fathom's pov:

After Darkstalker left the principal's office, all I did was stare at her.

"I haven't seen you in a while... " she muttered, looking down at the ground and sweating a bit.

I nodded. I had no idea what to do what so ever.

"I hope things won't be awkward between us" she said, looking back up and smiling slightly.

I grinned, "Never."

She smirked back at me.

God, how I missed her smile's.

"I guess I'll see you around?" she shrugged.

"Yeah, call me to your office any time" I winked.

What the actual hell did I just do. Did I flirt?

Her eyes widened, then she started laughing.

"Since when have you been the flirty type, I mean, I was expecting Darkstalker to be like that but not you!" she had to lean on her desk to keep her balance.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why or even how I did that" I chuckled.

She giggled and shook her head.

I smiled at her, remembering that magical laugh that seemed to give me butterflies.

"I'll get going now, have a good day" I said, waving at her and left the room.

Once I shut the door behind me, I looked straight back at it.

I lied my hand on the knob and my head on the wood, wishing I could open it again.

I smiled, then pulled away and walked down the hall towards my first class for the year.


I opened the door to the science lab. I was greeted with loud chatter and shouting. I rolled my eyes and went to go find a seat.

I got one a the back of the room, far from everyone. I relaxed a little, closing my eyes and waiting for class to start.

"Good morning everyone, now you know me, Mastermind, just had to point that out because of our new students which I'm pretty sure you'd know about since our little outburst at morning tea, so we're just gonna get right into it!" Mastermind announced.

I raised an eyebrow as I leaned forward a little, listening to the lesson.

"Now then, today we'll be learning about sea life" he said, adjusting his glasses.

He went behind his desk and pulled out a fish tank, with a towel stretched over it. He placed it on the desk then ripped off the towel.

He pulled out a golden octopus, causing people to laugh, shriek or gag.

Mastermind placed the creature on the table, holding it steady to the wooden structure.

"Today we will be dissecting these creatures!"

Oh no no no no!!!

"So if you would all just~"

"HANG ON A MINUTE!" I screeched. All the faces in the room turned to me, causing me to get nervous and question myself.

"Why would we do such a thing to a rare creature! Look at it! It's the colour of gold!"

Mastermind raised an eyebrow, clearly confused.

"That is a rare species of octopus! I am very knowledgeable with sea creatures so I would know! So if you don't mind, I'll be taking this magnificent animal."

I stomped up to the front desk, picking up the octopus and letting it slide back into the glass tank.

I picked up the tank afterwards and walked out of the class room.

Once the door shut behind me, I gasped for air, not knowing I had held my breath the whole time.

Why the heck did I do that!? I didn't even know what type of octopus this was!

I groaned and shook my head.

"What am I going to do with you now?" I muttered to the creature, who only moved around in it's tiny area.

I walked down the hall and down to the principal's office.

Well, this gave me an excuse to go see her.

I opened the door, then knocked on it.

"Come in" was all Indigo said.

"Sorry to disturb you so soon, but I kinda need a favour..."

She looked up at me, her purple eyes shining with confusion.

"Why would you have that!?" she giggled.

"Well, I don't know, I didn't want then to hurt it so..."

"Aw, you 'lil softy!"

She waved her hand to an empty table in the corner of the room behind her desk, gesturing me to put the octopus there, which I did.

"So, what are you gonna do with it?" she asked, looked down at the octopus and smiling.

Suddenly, an idea struck me.

"Well, I was planning to give it to you" I answered.

She gasped and her grin grew Eben wider.

"Really!? Oh my goodness thank you!" Indigo squealed happily, embracing me in the process.

I blushed a little but hugged back.

She let me go and said "Blob."

"Pardon me?" I asked, staring at her tanned face.

"Blob! That's what I'm calling him!" she laughed.

I chuckled a little.

"Very unoriginal, isn't it?"

"Oi! I can call it what I want!" she crossed her arms and smirked, looking back at me.

I rolled my eyes, a grin spreading across my face.

"Welp, problem solved, now go back to class or you'll get in trouble for skipping!" Indigo shooed me out.

"Wait, can I talk to you after school?"

"Sure, wait for me here OK?" she chuckled and pushed me out of the office, closing the door gently behind me.

I smiled at myself, not know what to do next.

I'll embarrass myself if I go back to class, but if I don't go back I'll get in trou~




A/N: don't hate me, but I was being a dumb butt again. I wasn't bothered to write, so busy reading other stories. I start feeling bad if I don't update sooner, thinking u guys will be like,


But then I think your probably reading some thing better then this, so ye....sorry.

Also, I'm not bothered to go through and edit, it's freaking 1:44 in the morning where I'm at so, lemme know K?


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