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Clearsight's pov:

I couldn't believe what he had just said to me. If I'm being honest, I thought they were the most beautiful and honest thing I've ever heard. So much can happen in one morning. Oh, how I missed being in his arms. His warmth always made me feel safe, protected, almost even loved.

I sobbed a little over his shoulder. He held me tighter than before, and I adored it. I never wanted to leave his grasp again. I never wanted to leave him again, especially after everything I put him through.

But, all good things come to an end. I pulled away and wiped my wet and salty eyes. I looked up at him, just to see him smirking. I sniffed and giggled a little.

'What?" I asked and giggled a bit.

"I just missed you" he answered, raising his right hand to my cheek again.

Suddenly he raised his left hand, and rested it on my other cheek, then pulled me an inch closer. My heart started pounding as every second passed, meaning another inch closer to him. I gulped and waited, just staring into his blue and red eyes.

Then he did the unexpected, and whispered in my ear,

"You're gonna be late."

I gasped and looked at the time on my watch. I cursed and got up, almost immediately regretting it. I looked back at his smiling face.

"Well, are you coming?" I asked.

He seemed surprised by the question, but shrugged and got up, following me as I practically ran inside the school.


I wrote another answer into the test, my brain completely hurting. All I could think about is what happened this morning. It wouldn't get off my mind, no matter how much I tried, it would slip right back to the top of my brain.

I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from screaming in frustration. If I didn't pass this test, then I would be in so much trouble when I get my results. I sighed and continued to tap my pencil on the desk.

I had studied for this exam for so long, just to have all my knowledge be forgotten. I turned to the next page, than turned back to the previous one, not knowing if the answer was in the next question.

I wanted to bang my head on the table so hard, that hopefully I would go unconscious and be taken to hospital, away from this place and the test.

I sighed and scribbled in the next answer. Time passed as I got more and more frustrated. I started rapping my foot on the ground in a kind of rhythm, hoping is would distract me from my headache.

My knee started shaking from the anxiety I wouldn't get this done, disturbing my foot's tapping.

One minute passed, then three, than ten, then fifteen, and I was finally on the last question.

Just as the bell went, I just rushed an answer and wrote it down in messy writing. Then I got up, tucked in my chair, grabbed my books and left immediately.

I barged through the door and sprinted to my locker, my legs taking me as fast as they could go. I opened the metal material and grabbed my stuff, shoving it into my bag and throwing it over my shoulder, onto my back.

I ran out of the school, relieved to smell and feel the fresh air outside, escaping the stink of sweat and B.O. I calmed down, clearing my mind from all the anxiety and frustration, causing my migraine to disappear for a little. I inhaled and started walking out of the gates.

I strolled down the path, pulling my reading book out of my bag and started reading. I was out first than any of the other students meaning I had at least a few seconds head start to escape the crowd that was soon to form once the home bell went.

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