Not Again

341 10 13

Darkstalker's pov:

My temper was out of control once more and I punched the table again.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!!??" I heard father roar from downstairs.

I didn't care anymore, so I shouted something I'll regret,


I then grabbed my own mouth as I heard father stomping up the stairs.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!!!" he bellowed as he practically kicked down my door.

"Arctic don't you dare!" I heard mother scream.

I didn't even have time to dodge it before my father raised his hand and swung it across my face. I fell to the ground, trying to hold onto my tears with dear life.

The cracking sound ran through the house and I heard mother running up the stairs now.

"What the hell is wrong with you!!!" she screamed, punching his chest which he didn't even flinch at.

I heard Whiteout sobbing from her room before she closed her door.

"He needs to learn some respect!" father shouted.

Then his face fell when he saw the hand print on my own face.

"I-I... I didn't mean...ARGH!" he screamed before stomping back downstairs.

Mother quickly ran over to me, got down on her knees and gently placed her hand on the hand print, I flinched a little.

"Oh dear..." she sobbed and hugged me.

I still wasn't going to let the tears fall, because that was what I call weakness. No matter how my eyes burnt, how much they sting to release the tears, I held it back.

I hugged back and dug my face into her neck.

I failed as one drop of water fell down my eye, landing on her shirt.

"Sweetheart, your father's just a bit stressed is all, he didn't mean too" mother said, pulling away and kissing my forehead.

Anger and rage rose back up into my stomach, but I let it go as she hugged me again.

I sighed and finally let the tears fall.

But these were tears from earlier, when I found out I had...failed the test.

Mother rarely saw me cry, so when I did, she would even have a couple of tears running down her face.

She pulled away once more and rubbed the water away from my eyes.

My lip quivered a little as she began to cry a bit.

"Shhh, it's OK..." she whispered.

But I knew it wasn't OK, nothing is OK.

"I-I know" I lied.

"I'm gonna go talk to him OK? Do you need anything?" she asked, referring to the bruise.

"No, I'm good..." I muttered and she nodded, then stood up.

She walked out of the room but quickly took one more glance at me before she disappeared.

I walked over to my bed and laid down on it, pulling the covers up to my shoulders.

I shivered a little before I took in the warmth of the blanket and relaxed a little.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and started texting.

Me: Hey

Clearsight: Hi, r u good?

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