Fake Smile

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Clearsight's pov:

The school day went on, just as normal as any other day. Although, the whole time I wore a...what do you call it?

A fake smile.

It was lunch at the time, and as I ate, Darkstalker suddenly asked,

"You OK Clearsight?"

I looked up.

"Oh, yeah, just tired" I replied, putting on that same damn smile.

For some reason everytime I did it, it would hurt my cheeks. Maybe because I knew it was fake and I was hurting inside, the anxiety of leaving just sat inside if me, waiting till I broke.

But I can't be easily broken.

"We have a surprise for yah!" Fathom said happily, breaking my thoughts. I giggled.

"Oh no, what happened?"

"Well-" Fathom was cut off my Darkstalker covering his mouth, hissing.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, Fathom here, is just a little bit confused!" Darkstalker growled.

It reminded me of how Arctic would treat him, that growl. I frowned, continuing to eat.

We chatted about nothing in particular, just things like how our grades are going and all the stuff we don't really care about.

Then the bell went and we headed off to our classes.

After the day ended, my mother came to pick me up.

I got into the back seat and clipped on my seatbelt.

"When we get home you go straight to your test" she said happily as we started to drive off.

"Right... The test..." I muttered, relaxing my head on the window, staring at the children leaving the high school, happy with not a care in the world.

Once we were home I got on my laptop and started the test. (BTW I don't know how the "Doing the test for other schools" works? So I just did this...).


After a few hours of wanting to kill myself I finally finished it and submitted it.

I closed the laptop, grabbed one of my favourite books and went to the backyard.

I sat on the top porch step and looked up into that same tree again.

What if I left? What if I said goodbye to everything I ever loved.

To everyone I've ever loved, well other then my parents since there coming with me.

If I got in, we would have to move...and I didn't want that.

I opened the book and began to read.

I was reading Unhinged by A. G. Howard. It was the second book in the series, the first book is Splintered.

I was like the main character, Alyssa, other then her having to choose between Morpheus and Jeb to date, although I do ship her and Morpheus (Sorry, just wanted to point that out because I ship it! If you don't know the book series then... Sorry).

She didn't want to leave her home, the human realm, and have to go some place far away, Wonderland.

I kept reading for a little while, right now Alyssa, Jeb, Morpheus and Alison were fighting Red~

I was interrupted from my thoughts when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I took out the cell and to see who had texted. Darkstalker.

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