I Promise

325 8 18

Darkstalker's pov:

As walked in the school gates for the second time, something, someone, caught my eye. I kept my eye's on her as Fathom and Whiteout walked beside me. Clearsight was looking down at her phone, headphones in ears, and smiling. Her dark green eyes gave me butterflies. Her short, black hair waving slightly onto her face then slides back off, causing me to bite my bottom lip. Her~

"Are you ok?" Whiteout asked.

I looked over to my right to see her icy blue eyes staring at me with concern.

"Yeah, just think about something~"

"No, someone!" she laughed, nodding her head towards Clearsight.

I snarled at her as Fathom chuckled a little on the other side of me.

I rolled my eyes at them but continued walking, my shoulders and neck now slouching. But, I continued to stare at her.

But, that was when she finally noticed.

She looked over me and her smile widened. She raised her arm and waved at me. My eyes widened and I waved back, but only by flicking my wrists from side to side slowly.

She giggled and went back to her phone.

I sighed and continued walking more faster inside. By the time I got to my locker, I was running.

I opened it and pulled out my books, stuffing them on the tiny shelf, then I threw the bag in and slammed the door shut.

I don't know why I was so angry. I was acting like a girl going through puberty. That was a scary thought...

I leaned my forehead on the cold metal and groaned.

I closed my eyes and suddenly, darkness. Comfortable darkness. It always made me feel safe.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped. I turned to face whoever dared disturbed me.

All I saw was Clearsight. My eyes widened when I saw her smiling face. Its funny, she's been smiling ever since she saw me, and I've just been a massive grump.

I looked at her, expecting her to say something. She cleared her throat.

"Hey..." was all she muttered.

"Hi" I answered.

Suddenly she started laughing. The glorious sound of her laughter made my heart burst with happiness.

"What's so funny?" I asked, starting to smile as well.

"I'm sorry, its just when you jumped, it..." she trailed off from laughing so hard, "You jumped so high, I've never expected such a thing from you of all people."

Then, when she finally stopped, she cleared her throat again.

"I just wanted to catch up" she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear, looking down ground.

"YeAh, yeah sure" I answered, my voice cracking.

She waved at me, motioning me to follow her, the smile never leaving her gorgeous face.

She took me back outside, but through the back door of the school, the hot sun greeting us with its uncomfortable heat.

We sat underneath at the bleachers that stood beside the football field, a awkward silence fell between us.

"So how have you been?" I started, not wanting her to regret bringing me out here.

"Bored. Everything has been boring since I left" she sighed.

"Well, I haven't been very happy myself..."

She looked at me and frowned, indicating she knew what I was talking about.

"Did things get worse between use two?" she asked.

I nodded, still feeling the trust I had developed with her all those years ago.

"Ever since you left, I've been more depressed than ever, my father took shame on me for feeling such and emotion for some girl" I growled the last part.

"Then, literally right after you drove off, there was an accident...and Fathom's parents died."

I heard her gasp. I turned to her, and the sight sunk my heart.

Her eyes were watering and her hands covered her mouth. She was staring right through me, then her eyes focused on mine, as if asking "Is it true?"

I nodded, frowning.

Then, she started crying, her tears streaming down her face like a waterfall of sadness.

I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her arm as an attempt to comfort her.

"Its all my fault..." she muttered through her sobs.

"Hey, his parents deaths weren't because of you" I reassured her.

"No, not that, although it is tragic, I can't believe that to you, I ruined you and your father's relationship even more than what it already was!" she cried.

"Me and my father's relationship was always ruined since the start" I mumbled.

"But still! I left you even more depressed than you were before, and I feel so guilty for it! For gods sake I didn't even call or anything" she shouted, her eyes burning into mine.

I wrapped my arms around her fully and pulled her close. She shoved her face into my chest and grabbed onto my shirt, crying her delicate eyes out.

"No, you had a reason to not call me, I didn't" I said, scrunching my eyes shut.

I felt her eyes on me. I'm guessing she was curious.

"You were busy all the time, and I get that, you were trying to get a good education" I explained, my eyes now relaxed on hers.

"But, the reason because I didn't call, was because I was scared. It's like, I wanted to hear your voice so bad, but I was terrified to hear it at the same time. And when you left, I was sad, and angry...and I hated you for it. But I also hated myself, I hated myself for not trying, and now I hate myself even more because now you're here and in front of me, hugging me, and I now realise that I should've tried, I should've never hated you" I looked down at her.

"And I promise you, I will never hate you again."

Her eyes were wide as more tears developed. Then, a single tear fell from her eye. I rested my hand on her cheek and wiped it away with my thumb, like the day I did when Indigo left. Only the second day of seeing each other and we're already pouring our hearts out.

She then sniffed and started to cry again, but wrapping her arms around my next and burying her face in the crook of it.

I hugged her back even tighter, if that were possible.

"And I promise." she whispered in my ear.

"That I'll never leave you again"

A/N: I FINISHED THAT ON 1069 WORDS!!! Because I have something extra for next chapter, but mostly because it was funny. So hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know its probably a little short but I'm sure you'll want to see next chapter ;))))))

So ye, again, hope you enjoyed and good bye :D

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