Lost It

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Darkstalker's pov:

That night I didn't sleep. The adrenaline was still rushing through my body from Fathom and I's earlier chase. Well, not much of a chase, more of a run I guess. Either way, it was. . . exciting. I didn't exactly know why, but now I'm craving the rush. The rush of danger. 

I never knew I could act like that. A full on maniac. For some reason I was very amused with the horrified faces Fathom had plastered on his face. The terror and confusion in his eyes. The way his bottom lip would quiver when I would laugh. It all just seemed so entertaining. 

I rolled over and tried closing my eyes, but its like they were stuck open. I just wanted to get up and start dancing around the room and laugh at the top of my lungs until I loose my voice. The energy burning inside of me wasn't going to go out anytime soon. 

Pulling the covers off me, I stood up, the warm carpet greeting my cold, bare feet. I looked at my clock that hung on the wall. It was one twenty six, not that late, for me at least. I tiptoed out of my room as quietly as possible. The freezing wooden floorboards were creaking a little, which made each step I took make me shiver. I made it to the stair case and made my way down, calming a bit since the sound volume down here was less audible from upstairs. 

After turning on the kitchen light, I opened one of the cuboards abover the counter, pulling out a clean, glass cup. I opened the fridge and picked up the bottle of water, twisting the cap off and pouring the water in. The soft clunking of the water was the only sound in the house, making me feel a little uncomfortable. Once I was satisfied, I placed the water bottle back into the fridge after putting the cap back on, then taking a massive gulp of the cold water.

I sighed in relief and went to go back up the stairs, but something caught my eye. I turned around to see a piece of paper on the table, hand written words on it. I put the glass down and slowly walked towards it, still focusing on not making any noise. I picked up the paper and read through it.

Dear Arctic,

I decided to send you a letter other than message you, since that would be a bit risky of people seeing. Anyway, just wanted to say sorry about Skyreader, I know she was just your distraction, but she's still someone you worked with (plus hooked up with ;) ). Hope things are going good now and your not in any trouble. If you are just let me know and I'll help out anyway I can.

Your Friend, Icebreaker.

( a/n: Made that guy up, as well as Skyreader)

. . . HE DID WHAT!?   I was about to scream but jumped when someone hissed, 

"What the hell are you doing out of bed!?" 

It was father. No, I refuse to call him that. If I even thought of calling him that it makes me want to choke. He was holding a gun, which surprised me, but it wasn't enough to make me forget about the rage boiling inside of me.

"I thought you were an intruder or something! Get to bed!" he scowled, pointing upstairs. 

I just stared at him, eyes wide with anger and my mouth formed into a sneer. I wanted to hurt him somehow. Maybe throw something at his stupid head, or just punch into him until he begs for me to stop. Wait, no, that's not it. That wasn't satisfying enough. I wanted to kill him. I just wanted to curl my fingers around his throat and squeeze, squeeze while he thrashed around and looked me in the eyes, preying I'll show him mercy. 

But oh no no no, did he show me mercy when he would beat me!? Did he show mercy when he shouted and screamed at me to be more like him!? There was no way I wanted to be anything like him. But there's on thing that I want to do that he did. 

I picked up the letter and shook it in my hand, my sneer growing into a snarl. 

"What's this!? Who the hell is Skyreader!? And why the F*CK does it say you hooked up with her!?" his eyes widened at my cussing, "Were you cheating on mum!? How long!? Did you even care!? Do you even love her!?" 

It was so hard to not scream, but I needed to keep it quiet so I didn't have any. . . witnesses. His face was the best part of this so far, the sadness and anger. I wanted to keep teasing him, make him small and fragile as I finally grew bigger and bigger until he was the size of a bug I could crush right under my foot. 

"I-It was nothing serious, she really meant nothing to me. She would always play with me until I broke. I was. . . weak" he whispered, walking closer to me and putting the gun on the table. 

I practically shivered at the final sentence. Shivered with satisfaction. He finally admitted it. He is weak. And he always will be. He will be as weak as I was when I was only seven years old, as weak as I was when he shouted and screamed at me for drawing him a picture I had worked so hard on. As weak as I was when he walked in later, blind drunk and beating me once more. And as he was beating me, he would call me "weak", "stupid", "a disgrace". Well, I guessed the tables turned.

"I know father" I spat, "I know, you're weak. And selfish and cruel. A horrible excuse for a husband and dad."

He gazed at me, shocked. I adored this so much. A little to much really, more than an average person would. Others would've stopped by now, but he deserved this. Especially this.

I grabbed the gun and spun behind him, holding my hand over his mouth and the gun to his head. I heard him whimper and beg, but I just held onto him tighter.

"Shh, sh sh, its ok, I'll make it quick, quick enough you won't have to see your life flash before your eyes, just so you don't have to witness all your mistakes and failures" I hushed him, rocking my head back and forth a bit.

Then I leaned toward his ear and whispered,

"Bye bye, I'll tell mother you, loved, her" 

Then, I pulled the trigger, a loud bang erupting through the house. Before running, I dropped the body and placed the gun carefully in his hand, to make it look like he had killed himself like he should've ages ago. And like that, I was out. 

I barged out the front door and skipped down the path, a large smile carved back onto my bloody face. Bummer, I didn't want his pitiful blood stained onto me. I wiped most of it off with my shirt sleeve and continued down the path, holding back the insane laughter. That was when I heard my mothers scream echo down the street. I felt bad for her, to have to see him in that sort of state. But it simply had to be done. 

I broke into a sprint as I headed towards the labs, not knowing where else to go really. It would take a while, but it was worth it. I will take it over, and mother won't have a clue since she'll be ar home mourning over him. Unless she see's the letter, but then again, she has such a kind heart that it probably wouldn't matter. 

Life was going to get much crazier. So much more fun! And I knew one thing for sure.

I had lost it! 

A/N: A little bit of a shorter chapter, I know, but I just wanted to get it published. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed and remember to vote...

....and send me OC's..... and follow my insta (same name as my Wattpad nem).....k bye.

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