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Fathom's pov:

"And your sure you have no idea why he would commit suicide?" the officer asked, arms crossed tightly.

It was day after Arctic's suicide (or homicide). Earlier that morning we had been asked by the police to come to the station for an interview, which was understandable. It made Foeslayer extremely nervous, which wasn't helping with proving our innocence. To be honest I felt horrible for the poor woman. It would be so over whelming to see something so horrid like this, then just to be a suspect for it.

"I'm certain! Other than that one piece of evidence about his affair, there was absolutely no reason! In my years of living with him I've learnt that his a very stubborn man, he refuses to give up on anything. Surely he wouldn't give up on his life!" I protested, burying my face into the coldness of my hands.

This was so frustrating. I got barely any sleep last night since I had to stay up with Foeslayer and Whiteout. They were crying for hours until Whiteout had finally blacked out at the table. Foeslayer on the other hand, well, I don't even no if she even slept.

I looked back up at the officers. One was in deep thought while the other was whispering into her ear. The one thinking nodded and glared at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Officer Allknowing and I will investigate into the case more. Until we get a lead on a proper motive of why he would commit such a thing, you and your family are free to go" said the nicer one, smiling warmly at me.

"What captain Truthseeker forgot to add was we will keep in touch to see if anything else has happened or you have any. . . suspicions" Allknowing, I assume, growled, still glaring at me.

I scowled at her and her disagreeable accusation. But I had to try and understand she was only trying to do her job. I sighed and nodded, standing up from the table. I walked out of the interrogation room and headed down the hall to the waiting room where Whiteout and Foeslayer sat. When I entered the room, Foeslayer jumped up and rushed to me, a worried expression on her face.

"What did they say?" she asks.

I frowned and looked up at her.

"Officer Allknowing still suspects us, I tried all I could to get her to realise we couldn't do such a horrible thing" I answered, my tired eyes closing, "Heard anything from Darkstalker?"

"He hasn't been picking up his phone, and I've texted him multiple times. He's really starting to worry me!" she said, scratching her hand furiously with both hands.

"Oh no, her mother's adrenaline is kicking in" Whiteout rolled her eyes, but kept them averted from us.

I crossed my arms and bit my bottom lip, trying to think of where he would've gone. Wait. If he was gone for the entire night, and still hasn't come home in the morning. . .


I grabbed Foeslayers hands, a determined expression coming across my face.

"Go home, I think I know where he is."

She gasped as I ran out of the PPD. Once again, I was running through the streets, but with a more happy feeling, knowing I had worked out where he is. Or where he could be. . . I can't jump to conclusions just yet. But it did feel good just gaining that tiny sensation of hope.

About fifteen minutes or more later, I had finally made it. Clearsight's house stood tall in front of me as I tried to catch my breath from the exhausting exercise. I cleared my dry throat and walked up to the door. I knocked a few times, fixing my hair trying to look at least the most tiniest bit presentable.

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