What Accidents Cause

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Fathom's pov:

As we were leaving Clearsights house, I slumped in the back seat, upset Darkstalker and I lost yet another good friend.

I was sitting in the middle seat, staring out of the windscreen as my father drove.

He was talking to someone on the phone as my mother held it for him.

There fore, he wasn't concentrating on the road.

Suddenly, I saw dog about to run across the road.

"LOOK OUT!!!" I screamed.

My dad turned his attention back to the road and for some reason turned the wheel, so it skirted to the side.

Probably because of the panic.

My heart pounded as I practically saw my whole life flash before my eyes, my mother screamed as we smashed against a street light.

Then darkness.

I was barely conscious as I looked around.

My ears were ringing and my sight was dark and light at the same time.

I heard my mother and father's faint voice's.

"We're sorry" "We love you so much Fathom..."

Then, I finally fell unconscious.


I gasped as I shot up from bed.

Thank goodness, just a dream..., I thought.

But, then I looked around.

I was in a hospital?

Before I knew it I got a massive migraine and lied back down softly, grasping my head and groaning.

"Oh my goodness your awake!" I heard a woman say.

I looked up at the figure to see it was Foeslayer, Darkstalker's mother, Arctic sat next to her, not a single emotion on his face.

"W-what h-happened?" I asked, looking up at her worried and concerned face.

"Oh- well, you-um, I'll let the doctor explain it" she sighed.

I nodded as I looked up at the ceiling.

I heard coughing from other rooms behind curtains. Some other people were either talking, crying, or just silent.

I saw a TV just above my curtain's, it was playing 'Tom and Jerry'.

I think Tom was running after Jerry once again, trying to finally grab the mouse for once and shove it into his mouth.

I chuckled a little at the thought, then my migraine came back and I groaned.

"Hello there!" a man's warm voice welcomed me.

I looked at the opening of the curtains and saw a doctor. He was wearing normal doctor sort of clothes and a lot of make up.

"Fathom, right?" he asked.

I nodded slowly.

"Well then, my names Bullfrog, pleasure to meet cha'!" he said.

"Uh- you too?" I tried.

He smiled.

"So, can someone please tell me what happened!" I begged.

"Well, you were in a car accident..." he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

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