Burn Em' In Fire

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Darkstalker's pov:

(Four Years Later| Eleventh Grade)

Four years...

I have not seen, or heard from Clearsight nor Indigo for four years.

I haven't contacted neither of them either to be fair, but I don't really want too.

For four years I have pretended to hate Clearsight, pretended to despise her for leaving me. But those words were never true.

Since she has left I've only learnt to love her more. And it causes me so much pain.

I wish I wasn't so scared all the time. I pretend I'm not, but obviously that's not true. I'm scared of my father, I'm scared I'll never see Clearsight or Indigo again, I'm scared I'll lose everyone I've ever loved.

You see, my father has gotten much worse.

Since he bought his lab for his new career, he has grown stronger and thinks he is full of power. He has created things that'll "change the world". But that is not true, his just causing more pollution into the air for useless things that no one would probably ever use in the future.

I was sitting in science class at the moment, Fathom sitting next to me, intrigued in what our science teacher has to say.

I just sat there lazily, slouching in my seat, causing people to look towards me, gawking.

Now days, I'm the type that would sit or stand tall, act as if I'm completely listening to the teachers and the conversations people try to have with me.

Because I have grown, I have developed, well, more charms then before, causing the girls to wink, blush or bite their lip when they pass me in the halls.

I would have a few sessions with some of them, but I see it as a temporary and fake thing, the woman of the other hand, would think it was truly real and brag about it to their friends.

But when I "break up" with them, that's when they loose it.

They would shout at me and call me a player, all things to try and insult me.

But I couldn't care less. Why would I? She's telling the truth.

"Is there a problem Darkstalker?" the teacher asked.

I glared at him.

"Nothing at all sir, just a but tried" I answered, straightening up a little and smiled.

Actually, I was really tired. Father was drinking again and he was punching walls and shouting random things, causing me to be up for a little while.

He shook his head went back to what ever he was talking about.

I slouched back down and laid my head back.

Suddenly, I felt something poke my shoulder.

"What?" I asked.

"You know you should really listen, this stuff is actually interesting" Fathom whispered.

I groaned and looked at the teacher, actually listening now.

"And this, is called Careless" he announced.

I was suddenly leaning forward, intrigued by this.

He went to the next slide of the 'Smart Board'.

There was a picture of a flask filled with black liquid, this black steam leaving the top of it.

"This is a potion that shoots black smoke in the air, causing to who ever sniffs it in, careless. Stupid as it sounds, it is dangerous. You'll be incredibly careless about what's going on around you, causing, for example, people who are driving to cause a crash or even hit someone, then not care after and keep driving, so practically zombies, but not man eating" he explained.

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