Pyrrhia High School

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Darkstalker's pov:

After hours and hours of driving, we had finally made it.


I swear I've heard that name before, but where?

Fathom and Whiteout were sleeping on my shoulder, Whiteout snoring away in my ear, Fathom sleeping peacefully.

I shook Fathom, which he fluttered his eyes open and sat up yawning, then I woke up Whiteout, causing her to scream and shoot up straight, banging her head on the side of the car.

I chuckled as she groaned in pain, grasping her head.

I got out if the car and stretched, reaching my arms out, then folded them back behind me.

I looked at our new house.

Massive, I might say.

Not as big as a mansion, but close.

White walls and beautiful light blue windows. About three stories high, four if you include the attic.

"Woah...." Fathom said, surprised to see such a beauty.

I shrugged and went to help my parents with the packing.

I grabbed a few of my boxes and entered the house, taking it all in.

The living room was giant, with a massive flat screen TV on the wall and really expensive, comfy couches, with nice decorations all around it.

The kitchen was nice to, sparkling, as if showing off how clean it was.
It had marble benches with stools behind one of them.

A bathroom was there as well, but I'll check that out later.

I walked up stairs, balancing the boxes in my arms.

Once up, I saw another living room but even better. Bigger TV on the wall and bigger couches and all.
There also seemed to be a bar in the corner of the room, next to the doors that lead out to the balcony.

There was another room, both doors wide open.
I saw what looked like the TV you'd have in the movies, but smaller, yet with the same sort of seats as the theatres has.

There was one room there, but I'm guessing mother would want to keep that one for guest.

Well, I guess the rooms were on the third floor.

So I went up another set of stairs, but these ones swirled in a circle kind of motion.

I looked around, and sure enough, all the rooms were here.

Four rooms in total, and two bathrooms, one in the biggest room, which I'm pretty sure will be my parents room, and one for the others.

Biggest was empty, as well as the other rooms, obviously, but it did have a balcony and a walk through closet.

The other three rooms were normal size, no balcony, and no walk through closet, only normal ones.

I claimed the rooms furthest from my parents, trying all I could to stay away from them.

I set down the boxes in the corner, then headed back down stairs to get the others.


(One Month Later)

We weren't entirely done with the house, but close.

I had a bed and a desk so far, but thats mostly it.

I had to start at the High School this town had soon, which I was quite looming forward too.

"Are you excited?" Fathom asked, waltzing into my room.

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