Just The Beginning

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Darkstalker's pov:


"Considering I'm your new boss."

The men stood there for a moment, staring at me with complete confusion. Then as I suspected, they broke out into a fit of wheezing and laughter as if I was some sad clown. One put a hand on the others shoulder to keep balance while the other shot his head back, their booming laughter disturbing the silence of the night.

"L-look kid, I don't know who you think you are, but~"

"The names Darkstalker, Arctic's son so I assumed you already knew that." I sighed, "I'm ashamed to think my old man would've spoken about me at least the most tiniest bit, but oh well."

Their smiles faded and they continued to gaze at me, a mix of rage and shock in their eyes. I felt Clearsight grip to my arm more causing a smile to spread across my face once more. Her clinginess brought nothing but delight to me, especially the wary expression she had. Delightful indeed. But my amusement was short lived as one of the guards piped up from his trance.

"So? You may be his son but that doesn't mean nothin', as long as his living then no one can tell us what to do other than him himself!" he scowled, narrowing his eyes.

It was my turn to laugh. Oh the poor souls! But I shouldn't be laughing at this, since no one even knew that he was indeed dead, that is, other than mother and possibly Whiteout and Fathom. But I simply couldn't tell them he had passed so suddenly, it would raise suspicions. Instead I cleared my throat and thought of a quick strategy. I could either persuade them somehow, or something a little more violent. But I couldn't do it in front of Clearsight, I'm sure her fear of me right now is already enough.

Option one then.

"Look boys, I know you're only following orders, but I was told by my father himself to come here and pick up a few things for his retirement, hence why I'm your new boss, and his in a very bad mood right now, I wouldn't want your current behaviour to be the reason of your execution of this job" I said simply, grinning widely at them.

Faces once again shocked, they nodded and moved aside, letting me and Clearsight through.

"How did you do that?" she whispered, looking back at the men at the door, frowning.

"Simple, they wanted to keep this job! Do you know how much they get paid for standing there most of the night?" I laughed stroking her hand still clinging to my arm.

Her grip loosened and she pulled away, placing her hands in front of her nervously. I chuckled again as I grabbed her hand, gripping it. She looked up at me, still frowning nervously.

"Clearsight, trust me when I tell you this, everything is fine. As long I'm here, nothing will happen to either of us" I reassured her, smirking at her with warm eyes.

She nodded, looking back at the floor as we continued to walk. I lost my smile as I glared ahead of us. The halls were dimly lit, with flickering lights every now and then. In fact I was quite ashamed to call this place my own now. But it won't be to much of a bother, I'll fix this place up when I'm all settled in and the 'tragic' news about Arctic was revealed. But for now I must focus on getting in charge of this place, and tell Clearsight about what has happened in the past twenty four hours. Well, this is not going to be easy.


I spun in my chair in my new office, swinging a pen between my fingers. Although I was incredibly tired, since I haven't slept since my encounter with Arctic, I kept myself up to make sure my new presence was known around this place. I had already put fear into my employees, some of which making them terrified of me, others giving me their undying respect. Lets just say I played with their minds a bit, practically torturing them mentally. But I did make sure Clearsight wasn't anywhere near the scene, didn't want to lose her trust so soon.

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