Going Crazy

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Darkstalker's pov:

I looked up at Fathom as he was in thought. Then he went to say something but I grabbed his arm, my grip tight.


He just stared at me, shock and fear practically glowing from his eyes. When he didn't say anything, I tightened my grip. He eyes went even wider and he gulped. Finally he bowed his head at me. I let go and he walked out, closing the door slowly with a click.

I growled and got up, then started pacing my room back and forth. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it.  And to think I actually thought he was a changed man. Ha! Never. I grabbed my notebook from in my desks drawers and picked up a random pen that was laying in there, forgotten. I opened to a page in the middle somewhere and started rushing down random things. Negative things actually, most of it was edgy stuff. I used to do this when I was younger, but only after father would give me a good old beating. 

Some of things I scratched down were "When will he stop!?" "I thought he changed!" "This bruise doesn't hurt as much as he does when he starts drinking" 




The last one gave me the most satisfaction, so I wrote it again.


And again.




Now that one made my heart pound. Not by stress and anxiety, rather excitment and adrenaline. I wrote that one down a couple of more times before finally stopping, my hand starting to hurt. I closed the book and hid it back in the drawer along with the pen. I went back to my bed and removed the covers, lying down then just gazed at the ceiling. I pulled the blankets back up and over my head, wanting to hide it the darkness. The sweet, sweet darkness. I scrunched my eyes closed and I was back in my world, my soul. As edgy as that sounds, it's true, the darkness and I had a strange connection. But the only lights in my life were Clearsight, Fathom, Whiteout and mother. They were it. No one else. No one deserved to be my light other than those four people. The rest of them were just ignorant and . . . and . . . careless.

(Hours later)

I woke up at around and eleven twenty three, the moon the only light source in my room. I rubbed my eyes and got to work.

I got up and grabbed my bag, flipping it upside down and shaking it. My books, pens and my pencil case fell to ground. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a black t-shirt and light blue jeans. I shoved them into the bag and grabbed a singlet and shorts, doing the same thing. I got my phone and charger and also placed them in the bag, just in case, then I opened my window.

I tried to remember if I had forgotten something, but I told myself I was gonna be back my tomorrow anyway. I just had to get out of here. This . . . hell hole of home.

I inhaled a deep breath and stepped out onto the roof. I slipped little but gained balance and continued. I looked down and immediately regretted it. The ground was so far down, if I fell, I would definitely die by the impact. I tried to get rid of the image of me falling to my death out of my mind and focus on how to get down. I look to my left and saw a tree, a thin branch pointing at me. I carefully tip toed toward it then grabbed the branch. Obviously a branch like this wouldn't hold me, so I had to jump. 

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