Not Like You

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Fathom's POV:

When school came back after the weekend, I couldn't help but feel hopeful again. Perhaps Darkstalker would come to school? Or maybe Clearsight, then I could ask her about him if he isnt going to be here.

Darkstalker's stubborn and ever so ignorant at times, but I knew he wouldn't miss school for something so small. But if he does end up absent for the day, he's either doing something incredibly important, gotton into a horrible accident, or he's died.

Immediately, I dismissed the last possibility, praying it wasn't true. But as I said, its still a possibility. Scowling, I dismissed the horrid thought and proceeded walking inside the school gates.

Please be here, please be here, I thought.

I looked around, craning my neck every now and then to try and identify the people from a far distance that looked at least the tiniest bit like him. But then I saw it.

Darkstalker was indeed at school.

I couldn't help but sigh with relief as I saw his figure. . . talking with someone else. I recongnized her as Glory. I wouldn't say we were friends, more like aquintances since she was in a few of my classes. But all relief went away when I realised what Darkstalker was doing. It looked like. . . flirting!? The only person he'd talk in such a tone to is Clearsight! And that sure as hell wasn't Clearsight. I was about to confront him before someone else beat me to it.

A boy I suspected that was in some sort of relationship with the female started yelling at Darkstalker, but he only gave him a smug look before walking off. I ran over to him once he entered the school, grabbing his shoulder and turning him around rather aggresively.

"Where the hell were you!? Foeslayer and Whiteout have been so worried about you! Including me! And Arctic, he. . ." I trailed off, somehow knowing he already knew about the inscident.

I heard a low chuckle come from him, causing me to glare at his strange behaviour. You'd think I'd be used to it by now.

"I know what happened to father. . . thing is, he deserved what came to him" I looked up at him, scowling a horrifed expression at his calm yet angered one.

He noticed my look and sighed.

"Oh don't look at me like that, you probably saw the letter! You know what he did to mother! Believe me I almost screamed when I saw the sight of him at first and that damn gun in his hand, but when I saw the letter, I couldn't help but feel. . . emtionless. Anyway, it was all a bit overwhelming so I just left for a little while."

I decided I would question him more about this topic later, still concerned what he was doing with that Glory girl. I knew he wouldn't cheat on Clearsight with her, besides, she seemed way out of his league, well, for him, he's out of her league.

"W-whatever! What about that other girl outside! I heard you flirting with her! What about Clearsight!?"

He looked at me, shocked as if I had just accused him of doing something so horribly disgusting.

"Goodness! No, no, no, no! I would never do something of the sort to Clearsight! I wouldn't even imagine it! Besides, shes way better than someone of that girls sorts. No, I was asking for her help, I guess you could say. I'm looking for more. . . recruits for the project I told you about."

Oh yeah. That thing. As soon as I remembered when he asked me to help him with it, I was bombarded with more questions that I wanted so desperately wanted to ask him. But I couldn't push him already to answer them, he might realize I do indeed find him as a suspect for the Arctic incident.

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