What's Happening...

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Fathom's pov:

I woke up to the sudden sound of buzzing from my phone. My eyes were still drowsy and practically begging me to close them again, but I fought against the strong urge and picked my phone on my bedside drawer. When I turned it on, the brightness illuminating from the screen made me squint, scowling at the sudden light. When my eyes got adjusted to the screen, I read the notification, which turned out to be a message.

Darkstalker: I snuck out last night just so you know, needed some fresh air.

All sleepiness was gone when I read the sentence. Since when did he sneak out!? And why~ oh... that's right. I looked back at the phone to see the next message.

Darkstalker: Spent the night at Clearsight's

Now this got me thinking. I saw he was still typing something, but before he could send it I quickly tapped a message and sent it.

Me: Clearsight's ay?

I didn't get an answer for a minute or so, until he finally wrote back,

Darkstalker: Yeop

Me: wait wha

Did he . . . did he actually. . . I KNEW IT! I barely cared about the fact he had ran away last night anymore, I was no more intrigued that he finally . . . "got with" the "girl of his dreams"

Me: wOw I dIdNt SeE tHaT cOmInG!

Darkstalker: Shut up

Me: How was it?

Darkstalker: I'd rather not get into that through text 

Me: whatever

Darkstalker: anyway, I want to talk to you about something, AND NOT THAT! Its serious

That's strange. He never really had anything serious to talk about since we were younger, now he was a happy, annoying teen. I really hope it has nothing to do with~

Darkstalker: Its about dad...

Of course.

Me: Alright, lemme know when you're coming home

Darkstalker: no, meet me at the café down the street from school, we'll talk and and have breakfast there

Me: k, c u then

No answer after that, but I didn't really care, I had to get ready. I got up and stepped over towards my wardrobe, opening it and inspecting the clothes. I picked out a white T-shirt and lime green hoodie to go over it, along with pair of light blue jeans and black sneakers. I slipped out of my pajama's and put on the outfit, grabbing my phone and walking out of my room.

I quietly walked out of the house, not wanting to wake up Arctic since his probably going to have a massive hang over when he gets up. Once I closed the front door behind me softly, I turned around and began walked down along the path, questions burning inside my mind.

What did he want to talk about that was so serious? Was he going to be sneaking out like this every night? But the one that I just wanted to shout at the top of my lungs was "Was he going to change again?" 

Last night when he was glaring at me, all I saw in his eyes were sadness and pain, including anger and rage. But what mostly scared me was the look of insanity in his eyes. His once so bright, silly, innocent eyes, changed into something evil. And it hurt me to even see him like that. It hurt me that Arctic was drinking again. And to be honest, I'm kind of scared of him now. He practically killed someone, some innocent person, trying to help their boss out, just died last night. Was he going to be arrested? Was he going to shut down his business now? Unlikely. He would do anything to keep his job going. 

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