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Clearsights pov:

I banged my head on the desk. I had just gotten home from the woods where Darkstalker and I were just "hanging out".

When he kissed me on the cheek before he left, was like fireworks going off in my head.

I couldn't believe he did it though. Did he like me or something? Or was it just because...well.... a boy and a girl alone in the know the.. temptation....never mind.

I opened my drawer and pulled out some old photos of me, Darkstalker, Fathom and Indigo.

Some were when we were kids and others recently.

I saw one with all of us together making silly faces and smiled slightly.

What if I got accepted to this school? What if I had to say goodbye to the best people in the world to me...

I closed my eyes and layed my head more gently back on the desk.

"Well, this sucks" I said to myself.

I layed there for a bit, thinking of what to do next.

I got up and went out the backyard and sat on the porch, just staring at the big tree in the middle of the yard.

When Darkstalker, Fathom, Indigo and I were young, we would always try to find a way to climb the massive tree, but never did.

I sighed, remembering when everything was perfect. Things changed when Indigo left, now I might have to leave next.

What else could go wrong???


I sat at the dining table, eating dinner with my mother and father.

"So sweetie, are you excited?" mother asked.

"Uh, for what?"

"Your new school you might be going too! Believe me when I tell you this, it is an amazing school! Full of art and History and all kinds of things!"

"Oh, yeah I-I guess...." I answered, playing with my food.

"What's wrong?" father asked.

"Nothing, I'm just tired is all."

"Then go get some rest, I'll clean up after you OK?"

"Yes father, thank you."

I got up and walked upstairs, entering my room and putting on my pyjamas.

I then snuggled up into the sheets of my bed and pulled them up to the bottom on my chin.

I was about to fall asleep when my phone buzzed under my pillow.

I grumbled but pulled it out from under the pillow.

Darkstalker: Hey, u up?

Me: Am now, what's wrong?

Darkstalker: nothing, just bored, dad keeps shouting at me for no reason, pretty sure his been drinking again...

Me: oh, sorry to hear

Darkstalker: Meh, not your fault his a complete nut case

Me: Well...wat u wanna talk bout?

Darkstalker: IDK....

Well, dad got a new building for his work,  it's called Night n Ice labs

Me: Damn, nice name 😏

Darkstalker: Ikr?

Me: Haha! Well, um, what's he working as?

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