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A/N: Why did I change yet another characters picture, u may ask? Because I freaking can, that's why, also the other one was. . . a little PG-13, plus it was getting borin so :/ quit complaining and lets get on with this shitty example of a fan fic.

Clearsights POV: 

That son of a bi*ch. . .

Before I even had a chance to ask him anything, he had slammed the door shut, just leaving me hanging. And even worse, he knew I didn't like being left like that, left craving all the answers to all my questions. 

Groaning, I swung around and grumpily walked out of the dim building. Not before passing a few other employees of course, some of which having ever lasting horrified expressions. That was another thing I was so curious about. What made them so scared all of a sudden? I mean, it would make sense they were just traumatized from the recent incident of Arctic's machines killing one of their fellow co-workers, but still, there are so many possibilities. 

So many questions ran through my mind,  too many questions. Like Darkstalker said, I needed to relax, let my mind wander off from all the drama and chaos. Yeah, that's it, all I need right now. A warm gust of air blasted at my cold face as I left the building, beginning to walk down the path. I kept my head down and watched my shoes step over each other as I walked, listening to the cars that would whoosh by every now and then. 

I tried not to think about what Darkstalker had said to me before, but it always kept sneaking its way into my thoughts, causing me more frustration. 

"One more thing Clearsight! This is just the beginning! The beginning to something big! Something that will probably change this town forever!"

Dammit. Those words, those twenty two words, those thirty three syllables, those four sentences. . . and the tone that was used to say them. He said it as though he was announcing something spectacular to a crowd,  full of excitement and so loud. Yet despite it being loud, I couldn't help but admire the determination in his voice, along with that deep, deep voice~ ok stop, that's enough. 

I looked up from the ground and grumpily continued to stride down the path, focusing on the morning sun as it started to fully emerge from the horizon. The heat from the massive star made me warmer than before, causing a satisfying sensation to rush through my body. 

But the soothing moment was short lived for I was interrupted by a speeding driver, zooming past me, making me jump from the sudden screeching sound of the tires. Jeez, as if I wasn't already traumatized by the other two car incidents. Growling, even more grumpy than before, I proceeded to stomp towards home. 

Home. . . where my parents were. . . 

They were probably getting ready to scold me for not warning them about my sudden disappearance. Maybe if I don't come home until later, they would be to horrified and exhausted from worry to even bother shout at me.  Obviously, the thought was preposterous. Even if I didn't come home until earlier, they would've sent to entire military to search for me. I definitely didn't want such a thing to occur over something so small. 

I preyed to god my punishment wouldn't be to harsh as I approached my house. But before I could turn the door knob, I saw someone approaching. I turned and saw Fathom running towards the house, his expression unreadable by how far he was. Panicking , although I didn't know why, I leapt away from the door and hid behind the bushes that surrounded my house. 

Still unsure of why I was scared he would spot me, I watched as he slowed his pace and knocked on my door, waiting patiently (as he gasped for air) for it to open. 

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