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A/N: So I didn't bother changing the cover, but I did change his look as you can see up there ^^

Just letting you all know, now on with the story!


Darkstalker's pov:

I turned away from the door, glaring at Whiteout. 

"Thanks, thanks a lot!" I shouted and stomped up the stairs, leaving Whiteout giggling behind me. 

I opened the door to my room then slammed it shut behind me. The one time I finally got what I have been waiting for for year, someone has to ruin it. My brain was spinning, than I remembered what had just happened and all anger vanished. I smiled to myself as I had finally won this horrible game of 'hard to get'.

I sat on my bed, not knowing what to do next. I looked down at my leg, seeing it was all better and the cuts were being covered by new skin. I lied down and looked at the ceiling. I never wanted any of that to end, the kiss, I mean. I adored every second of it, and I could tell she did too. At that moment everything around me disappeared and all I could see was her and I, in nothing but darkness, with no one but each other. How I wished it was real...

I need to clear my head, because I could feel yet another head ache swarming in. I stood back up and left the room, heading back down the stairs, past Whiteout who was making a sandwich in the kitchen, and out the door. Fresh air hit me by the time I was outside, making me feel so much better. I started walking down the front steps and onto that pathway, taking my time. 

I let my feet carry me, taking me to an unknown location. I distracted my eyes by looking around at different houses and trees around me as the wind slowly made the leaves wobble and even fall. I ended up out of my street and turning a right, my pace slow and steady.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Four twenty eight. I was about to tuck my phone into my pocket when I got a message.

Clearsight: Hey

Me: Hey gorgeous

Clearsight: sorry if i made things....awkward back there

Me: not at all, Whiteout just likes to ruin all good things for me

Clearsight: ok good

There was a bit of silence after that, so I put my attention back to the path. I had ended up walking towards the park, not that I minded. That place always seemed so calm during afternoons, unless someones children were there, screaming and playing with their siblings or friends. Other than that, it was just a nice place to relax. I also realised Fathom wasn't here, which was weird. He would always come here to study or write or just to relax or calm himself.

Clearsight: what r we now? I mean, if u dont want anything serious, I wouldn't mind, just say the truth

Well, that question hit me hard. What were we? Friends? Friends with benefits? Lovers? Now I wouldn't mind that last one. But still, I didn't know if she wanted anything or she was leading me on. Knowing her most of my child hood, I knew she would never do that, but its still a possibility.

Me: Well, what do you want?

Once again, silence. I didn't mind, she needed thinking for this subject. So I sat down at one of the benches next to the dirty play equipment. Rust had formed around the metal poles that held most of the structure together, making it not so good looking. But I'm pretty sure the children never cared, as long as its climbable and fun looking, then thats all they needed. 

Clearsight: I wanna hear it from you first

Me: so stubborn 

I was gonna be honest with her, I see nothing wrong with that other than the possibility of getting rejected then being depressed and awkward for the rest of my life. But I wanted to tell her in person. I think it would be more appropriate to do it face to face, just to make it more sincere and passionate.

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