Into the Woods

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Darkstalker's pov:

(Grade Seven|Saturday)

One year had gone by since Indigo left. High school was even worse then primary. Well, the drama was worse I should say.

Although Fathoms feeling a bit better since Indigo. But Clearsight... She has been avoiding me for a few weeks now.

And it broke my heart.

Sometimes I would want to cry, but if I did, I would be seen as weak from my father. No surprises there.

I was sitting at my desk on my laptop when Whiteout came in.

"Clearsight's here" she said in a careless tone.

I jumped up and ran down the stairs, opening the front door.

"Hey Darkstalker~" Clearsight mumbled.

"Um, hey..." I answered.

She bit her bottom lip.

It drove me crazy when she did that.

She looked at the ground as she crossed her arms as if in deep thought.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, worried.

"No, I-I just have to talk to you..." she answered.

I nodded and walked outside, closing the door behind me.


After we made it to one of our favourite spots to hang out, the woods that was near by, I started speaking.

"So, what's wrong?" I asked.

She but her lip again, making me grind my teeth.

"Well, I know I've been avoiding you lately, and I'm so sorry about it" she answered.

"It's fine I promise" I laughed.

She slightly smiled at me, making me feel a bit better.

"Soooo?" I asked again.

She smirked and sat down next to a tree, I sat next to her.

"I need to tell you something, since you've been so honest with me" she said.

I nodded, getting excited for some reason. Then she sighed.

"My parents want me to run for this Prestigious School thats far away from here, I don't know where yet though" she said.

My heart sank, my face fell and I'm pretty sure Clearsight saw.

"But there's a chance I won't get in!" she said quickly.

I felt a bit better then. But I also wanted her to go to that school to maybe have a better future. She deserves that.

"Well, if you don't, I guess that's good, but if you do, I will still be happy for you, and I always will" I said.

She smiled at me before standing back up.

"Well, now that's off my chest, while we're here, let's play a game!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"How old are you!?" I laughed and she punched me in the shoulder.

"Your it!" she shouted and started running.

I laughed and chased after her. We ran through the woods, turning sharp corners around the trees and jumping over rocks and others logs.

Once I finally caught up to her, I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around, both of us laughing.

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