𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 ⇢ 𝟶𝟶𝟷

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September 6th ┆04:32 am

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September 6th ┆04:32 am




Tension between the two in such a small space merely increased as the seconds dragged in; gaze still blanked, focus fully on nothing but a board of a few sculpted pieces, a glue stick fashioned as a queen, and a small toy car used as a missing rook.

    After taking another drag from her cigarette, the brunette's digits pinched the tip of the glue stick, only to hesitantly retract its contact from the object a second later.

  "Just make a fucking move!"

Matty blurted out impatiently, voice now clear with irritation at the teen abruptly moved from concentration─ not that was anything new there. He always had the patience of a child heading into a candy store.

Emitting a scoff, Anais picked up a piece─ carefully settling it back down on the chess set.


The male combed his digits through his head full of curls, huffing out at himself in defeat. Anyone could feel the annoyance in him expand.

This was the part where Anais would initially regret taking part in a game as such with someone who didn't take losing so well. She'd have to tolerate his bad mood for the remainder of their watch shift now.

  Rolling her orbs, the dark haired girl swung her legs back around─ facing the window to view the wooded land below, right where a majority of walkers, the very same that chased them into that abandoned home, lurked.

Her focus falls elsewhere; dazed at the droplets on the glass frame trickling, racing each other down to inevitably meet below. She absentmindedly shoved the tip of her cigarette into the damp windowsill, giving it a slight twist to kill the light.

"You cheated. That's how you won, isn't it? You moved the pieces around while I was out taking a piss."

The female's lashes flutter against the rolling of her eyes yet again, "No. I didn't touch the fucking chess set."

Her tongue clicks by the roof of her mouth as she cocked her head around; brows somewhat furrowed at the sight of him.

She earned herself a scowl from the other adolescent in the room, which only gave her the urge to roll her eyes back for a third time that early morning alone. She miraculously managed to fight the temptation.

Standing up with a small, satisfying click of her knees; Anais proceeded to brush off her jeans with the palm of her hand just a tad, before stepping over the mountain of pillows the two gathered to gain some kind of comfort on the floor they previously sat upon.

"I'll be downstairs. Let me know when you're done with your little hissy fit."

She'd lowly comment on the slow walk out of the room, snatching her backpack from the blood and mud stained floorboards as she did so.

  Bouncing over the last two steps on the set of stairs with a thud of her worn out shoes─ the young survivor followed the short walk once taken; right to the couch to carelessly fall back on, prompting her backpack to release from her grip, effortlessly landing by her feet.

Resting her head back on the couch pillow, eyes closed and muscles finally relaxed─ a sigh in content escaped between her plump, slightly agape lips as mind drifted off into oblivion.

  "Come on."

Marching along the surface littered with amber leaves, the young man adjusted the hat that sat on his layer of greasy hair─ a few strands falling over the only eye exposed to show the milky blue that laced around the pupil.

     Behind him, yet another male willingly followed. One quite older than the other. His appearance was not as maintained, and showed clear signs of malnutrition─ compared to the teen who accompanied him, at least.

   The two suddenly pause at the sound of groaning nearing rather too close for comfort.

  With a tilt of his head, the youngest boy motioned for the other to follow whilst he lifted a leg, moving himself over a fallen tree trunk effortlessly.

   He soon kneeled, taking in the view of a small group of the dead, occupied by a poor animal they were currently tearing apart to devour.

  "Okay. . . for your mom."

The adolescent quietly spoke with a sigh, glancing aside at the other male before he stood up; removing the knife from his holster as he did so.

   He proceeded to walk down the trail─ dropping his backpack aside and readying the hunting knife he already had in hand.

  Walking slow up behind the gang of the moving deceased; they were quick to take notice of the two living creeping up─ automatically prompting their never ending hunger for flesh to strike.

   The same feeling of anxiety reformed in the pit of the young boy's stomach, but he carried on forward regardless; forcing his arm up to penetrate his blade into the throat of the walker that approached.

  The girl awoke with a sharp gasp; looking around the lifeless living room frantically, before her body eventually fell back into ease.

  Quietly exhaling as her once tense muscles relaxed, she instinctively glanced at the nearest window─ and for a split second, her breath hitched at the faint sight of a figure lingering beyond the window's frame. Face relaxed, his one dark eye somewhat squinted; glaring at the brunette female that stared back at him in horror.

   A quivered breath escaped as her brims hesitantly part─ taking in the image, and how blood raced down his cheek, right from the bullet hole that would permanently mark his temple.


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