𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚕𝚊 ⇢ 𝟶𝟶𝟻

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 Looking around the space now bombarded with the dead, Anais's quivering breath was all Carl could concentrate on through the roar of groans coming from the hungered lurkers

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Looking around the space now bombarded with the dead, Anais's quivering breath was all Carl could concentrate on through the roar of groans coming from the hungered lurkers.

She could feel how his digits curled; intertwining by her own, softly clinging with a comforting squeeze. To her surprise, the little contact did some help in relaxing the shivering mess that overcame her form.

"What's going on?"

The girl asked, struggling to maintain a calm manner. Her eyes darted around, watching the walkers limping around the small group of living in horror, "Why is this happening?"

Carl ignored, almost as though she wasn't even present. It was like her voice was merely a whisk of breeze, leaving behind nothing but silence.

Fearing the unknown, Anais followed along as he led her down the narrow path between the crowds of infected. Each second, to her view, it appeared more and more of the dead invaded the neighborhood that seemed so incredibly familiar to her.

Hearing the soft voice of another, she glanced at those who linked to the other's hands─ finding more survivors, each digit they had clinging tight; guiding them to the safety they progressively neared. Just like Carl, they all wore a sheet smothered with the rotten guts from the dead. At this day and age, it was a well-known tactic to disguise the fresh scent from a human.

"I didn't mean for it to happen."

Snapping focus back to Carl, the teen cocked up a brow at his unexpected need to speak and acknowledge her existence, "For what to happen?"

Suddenly, her eardrums are pierced with the screams of the female and young boy that previously followed ahead.

Anais couldn't do anything but freeze on the spot and stare as the dead clawed at their skin, and carelessly chowed down on their flesh. Blood showered the faces of the injured as their screams made a sudden change in pitch, irritating Anais' ears enough to make her cringe. Her attention was so struck with intense fear, she didn't even notice Carl's tight grasp on her hand release.

Taking a step back, and clutching on the knife tucked by her thigh, she gasped to find more dead crowd around, but shockingly, they limped right by her; arms stretched out to tear at the their victims that now fell into cold silence.

"What the fuck?"

The brunette whispered to herself, thick brows furrowed at this strange behaviour. Frankly, the whole ordeal in general brought great confusion.

"It's just a dream. . It's just a dream." Williams whispered to herself repeatedly, hoping that her own words would bring her body smacked with panic some sense of relief.


Stumbling back, but quickly catching her balance─ the female turned back at Carl, eyes growing wide a the image of his face.

Body slowly rocking back and forth, blood trickled down his lightly freckled cheek, whilst his only eye stared directly at his father in disbelief.

As expected, the much older male, who Anais could only assume to be Carl's father, could merely stare; legs on the verge of giving out at the sheer figure standing before him. The features his son once possessed was almost unrecognisable.

This was when realisation hit Anais. Right in front of her, she was witnessing the events leading up to the moment the teen lost his eye. That explained the bandage he so frequently used.

Right as the girl would expect for him to collapse into oblivion, he only stood; the same blanked expression written over his visage. In the snap of a finger, the intensity transitioned into a feeling more eerie in tone. It was so captivating, it took seconds for her to register the absence of not only his father, but also the lurkers.

"Aren't you going to help me?" Carl choked, the blood running down his cheek─ now smudged and dripping to the collar of his flannel.

Her lower lip quivered as she took a hesitant step back; cold fingers squeezing onto the handle of her blade a tad bit more.

"Get─ Get away from me."

Dark orbs now glistened over with a layer of tears threatening to spill, Anais sniffled in efforts to contain them before she spun around to flee the scene─ unexpectedly bumping into the physique of another, resulting in her fall back on the tarmac.

The tall, pitch black shadow towered her much smaller figure as she stared up; watching in pure terror as a walker, one that could so easily be identified as Carl, leaned in close; mouth opened hungrily, thumbs pressing into her temples in an attempt to apply some pressure.

Dried blood stained around the gash left behind over his face─ seeping down to apply droplets to the female's flushed skin.

"Get the fuck off of me!"

Anais cried, and out of instinct, brought her forearm forward as a way of defence. Adding all of her strength to that one arm, she forced the knife she clutched onto in his skin; penetrating his throat to tear across viscously.

The blood that once ran through his veins part─ pooling down to mask over the teenage girl's face. Her eyes tightly shut, lips pinching together in an attempt to avoid the blood from entering her sockets and mouth.

September 6th ┆01:16 pm

There, Anais laid, eyes still shielded shut and quiet sobs escaping from between the lips that fought the temptation to part.

    Emitting a sharp inhale, her lids flicker open─ eyes growing wide before her thoughts could even register the look of shock that came from the face that stared down at her.

  "Mat─ No, no. ."

With the inability to accept what she just brought upon herself, her trembling hand released the handle of her switchblade that was now stuck in the throat of Matthew Blake.

   He would try to mumble words, but all that could be heard was the choking and struggle to regain the air his lungs so desperately craved.

   As his body collapsed to the ground, right next to the mattress, Anais showed no hint of hesitation when she sat up─ knelling by his side, pressing her hands, that were now coated in his blood, by the deep cut she left slashed across his neck.

   "Matt, I'm so sorry," Williams exclaimed, trying all she could to stop the pool of blood from escaping him, "Please─ Please don't leave me. . Matty─"

  The female's words made an abrupt end the second his wheezed breath fell. The life once left in his eyes now contained nothing but the tears that gradually grew dry.

   Resting her blood stained hands on his shoulders, she gave him a light shake, "Wake up. ."

  She quietly began, but that was before she gave his shoulders a more forceful shake.

  "Wake up. . Wake up!"

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