𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚎 ⇢ 𝟶𝟷𝟶

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September 7th ┆03:43 pm

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September 7th ┆03:43 pm

"We've been walking for hours now. Can you tell me where we're going already?"



"Because I don't know─" Carl's steps came to a sudden halt as Anais's did, inducing him to turn; ultimately gracing attention back on her after minutes of ignoring all that even threatened to disturb his determination, "I mean─ I 𝙙𝙤. ."

Knitting her brows together in confusion, the female adjusted the strap from her bag back on her shoulder; digits curling to lightly cling at the coated fabric, "You either know where you're going or you don't. Which is it?"

Impatiently tapping the toe of her sneaker by the gravel they stood on, Anais watched in study as Carl glanced around in vigilance.

"I do, I do. . Yeah." He anxiously replied, sighing out to himself before looking back at her, "I remember the path, and─ and these trees. It's just─ It's all very. . vague."

"So, you're saying we're lost, then?"

The young spirit huffed, turning back to follow the trail scattered with leaves, "We're not lost, idiot. Are you even listening?"

Merely by the sound of that remark being uttered, the female scoffed─ leaping ahead just a tad bit to apply pressure to Carl's back, leading him to stumble, but rapidly catch his balance before his body could make any contact with the ground.

His steps made an abrupt end as he spun around, his only eye left from his set narrowed into a glare, "Really?"

Stepping forward, he returned the shove─ his being somewhat stronger than her own.

Anais sharply gasped at the sudden weight being added to her chest, but quickly found strength to maintain her ground.

"Don't fucking touch me."

The female growled, dropping her backpack by her feet effortlessly before pouncing on her companion; sending both bodies back onto the surface they previously stood on.

"Get off!" Carl wiggled under her weight, trying to find some access to release himself, as well as holding his arms over his face in efforts of defence at the same time.

"Call me a fucking idiot again and I'll─"

Her words ended in a soft crack of her voice as the teen flipped the two over; straddling the female, holding both arms down onto the pavement to gain control.

Both of their faces being a mere inch apart, their eyes grew dark─ glares still being sent to one another, "Calm down."

Carl ordered in a soft growl, closing his fingers around her wrists somewhat tighter as the seconds neared. Anais could feel the strands of his hair dangling, stroking by the sensitivity of her skin along her forehead. Frankly, she used that as a distraction from the discomfort this position gave on her back.

"Don't be an asshole, and we won't have a problem." The brunette lowly replied, lightly tugging on her hands to feel the strength he added to hold them down, "Do you want my help or not?"

After a short pause, the boy glanced aside as a soft gust of breeze laced the area; loose leaves dancing along the air to slowly drift back to land. Anais, however, only watched him and studied how alert he became. It was so similar to a dog at the first sight of danger─ waiting for some kind of threat to spring ahead.

"We gotta move."

Standing himself back up, he took no second to adjust himself before grabbing Anais by the hand; forcing her up onto her feet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Snatching her backpack up with her free hand before Carl could drag her away, the female groaned; dragging her feet along, hoping to slow his speed down─ of course she had no success.

"Saving our asses. What's it look like?"

"It looks like you officially lost your shit."

Softly panting due to the excessive movement, Anais glanced behind in curiosity; trying to see whatever seemed to spook Carl so severely─ And, just as predicted, not a thing was around to catch glimpse of in her peripheral vision.

Regardless, the girl readily followed him, not that she had much of an option. She couldn't help but wonder, whatever set his mind to high fear, was the reason why he was so reluctant to leave the church.

September 7th ┆04:09 pm

"Can you slow down─"

Her words were yet to meet their climax when Carl grabbed her by the shoulders, shoving her body by the harsh texture of a random tree trunk─ resulting in a quiet groan to be heard from the female.

Leaning in close, almost seen in a protective manner; Carl peeked around the tree cautiously, lightly squeezing on the muscles of Anais's shoulders.

"Did you see it?"

The boy whispered, somewhat huskily, "Tell me you saw that."

Directing hazel orbs to line with his gaze, Anais showed some subtle signs of concern. She didn't wish to gain some kind of bad reaction from him, since she was still very much oblivious to what he was capable of.

"I. . I have no idea what you're talking about."

The teen muttered hesitantly, pressing herself against the tree's trunk a little more. This would cause Carl to only stare at her for the briefest of times, before he'd glance aside─ sighing out tiredly as he proceeded to release her and take a few steps back.

Inching closer with ease, Anais arched a brow; positioning her backpack back around her shoulder to loosely hang, "Do you want to go back?"

Hanging his head low, the young man paused before slightly shaking his head in return, "We're already too far out. It'll catch up to us if we decide to take a u-turn now."

She was curious as to what he meant by that, but in his current state, she didn't want to question him on it. Anything that could possibly increase his mood for the worst, she wanted to avoid it.

Before another word from her could spring ahead, Carl set off back down the unmarked trail─ leading to God knows where.

"We should keep moving."

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