𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 ⇢ 𝟶𝟶𝟼

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September 6th ┆06: 32 pm

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September 6th ┆06: 32 pm

  Head hung low, the maiden sniffed before wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead by simply using the fabric of her sleeve─ smearing the blood now dry on her layer of skin as she did so.

    Finally releasing the shovel from her cramped hand, she inhaled the fresh air that gusted by as she stood for the briefest of moments, looking at the hole she created in the pit of dirt just by the church's porch.

   Anais felt nothing but the empty space of numbness in her chest. The disbelief didn't seem to crumble.

    She killed him. She 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 killed him.

Retracing her few steps, the female kneeled to lock her hands around the body now covered in a duvet that rested by the makeshift grave.

With a groan, she dragged the body closer─ first settling the upper half of his figure with struggle, before neatly placing his legs. She could still smell the rum lingering on Matty's clothes.

Pulling herself back up correctly, she took a second to look at the covered corpse─ eventually closing her eyes, taking a couple of breaths to compose herself and carry on with his burial.

"God, you were such an asshole."

Anais muttered to herself, snatching the shovel back from the tall grass to carefully toss the dirt back into the hole.

"You would've liked this, wouldn't you? Watching me do the manual labour for once. . I can almost hear you telling me to shut the fuck up and to get my ass back into gear."

The female weakly chuckled to herself, but that was quick to fall to silence as she dug up another pile of muck; allowing it to sprinkle on top of Matty's lifeless body.

  "But, everything happens for a reason, right?"

September 6th ┆07:49 pm

Sitting back down on the mattress where the incident occurred, Anais crossed her legs comfortably─ lightly pinching on the skin on the inside of her cheek between her teeth.


The brunette muttered to herself, squinting her eyes just a bit as she tried to tangle the yarn around the two fragments of wood that once completed the shape of one of the pews. She was attempting to make a substitute cross to mark over her friend's grave.

Matty was always the best at these things.

With a hiss, she turned her hand over to discover a small cut on her index after a nail that was stuck in the board of wood caught itself in her skin.

Bringing her hand up, she placed the tip of her finger between her lips─ taking in the iron-like taste that ran along her tastebuds.

   "You can see me, can't you?"

Almost instantly snapping her neck up, facing the direction where she heard the soft voice; Williams quickly stood up─ the top of her digits grazing over the switchblade tucked in the pocket of her jeans.

  Following her focus over the silhouette that stood in the corner of the space─ her lids narrow, teeth somewhat gritted together.

  "No shit," Anais began, slowly slipping her switchblade out; cautiously waiting for him to make the first move before she would strike, "Care to explain why you've been following me around?"


  Dismissing the question, the other took a step out from beyond the shadows─ revealing the face that, due to recent events, became so familiar to the girl.


"How can you see me?"

Squinting her lids over her orbs, her brows knit together in confusion, "With my eyes. Duh."

"Don't be a smart-ass, Anais."

Taking yet another step closer to bring more of his shape to view, the teen took the opportunity to grasp a good look; scanning eyes up and down his figure.

The hole in his temple was nowhere to be seen, but the bandage that concealed the wound remained upon his visage. Only thing was, he wasn't wearing the hat she saw sitting on his head so often.

"How─ How do you know my name? How long have you been watching me?"

The small stutter that invaded her speech brought a slight tug to grace the edge of Carl's lips. He thought about how the fear he inflicted on her now wouldn't compare to the feeling she'd dose herself in the moment she'd uncover his truth.

The mere sight of his smirk sent Anais over the edge. Abruptly moving ahead, she pinned the male against the wall; forearm pressed against his throat to keep him in position before she placed the tip of her knife against his chest─ threatening to inject it into his flesh.

Initially, the one eyed boy released a sharp gasp at her sudden action, but surprisingly, relaxed seconds later.

"You better fucking start talking."

At her aim to make him speak on the topic, he'd unexpectedly break out into chuckles─ which would only confuse her further, but she'd try to leave the seriousness in her tone.


"Do it." The grip Anais had on her blade grew weak for the briefest of moments, simply by hearing his reply.

Carl leaned a tad bit more; faces now a mere inch apart, "I dare you."

After a short pause between the two; the only sound heard was the creaks from the old wood, and the shivered breath that left the female.

Her gaze locked on his; easily captivated by the sight of the milky blue iris that coloured around his pupil.

Steadily, Anais withdrew the blade she held. He called her bluff, and quite frankly, she wasn't too surprised that he did. She could already predict that he could read her like a book.

"No. Here."

In a sudden change of events, Carl curled his hand around her own; forcing the blade to enter his chest. The girl would let out a scream, but Carl would only emit the smallest of grunts.

Once he released her hand, she didn't wait another second before she created some distance between the two─ staring at the boy in disbelief as he pulled the switchblade out of his chest with a quiet groan, ultimately tossing it aside with ease.

"You're fucking insane."

Swallowing deeply, Anais absentmindedly took steps back─ Carl was quick to notice that.

"No. Just dead."

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