𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖 ⇢ 𝟶𝟸𝟽

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September 13th ┆08:08 pm

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September 13th ┆08:08 pm

  "Okay, Carl. It's getting dark soon. We can't be searching for this girl much longer."

  Judith murmured to herself, cautiously looking down each trail they passed as they aimlessly wandered into the woodland.

   Hearing those words being uttered by his younger sibling sent a tremendous amount of weight to apply itself to the spirit's shoulders. They had to find Anais, and fast.

    Before Carl could admit defeat in mind, he was abruptly cut off by the animal coated in black fur race down one of the empty lanes─ barking to alert the small gang Judith ordered to tag along.

   Glancing aside at his sister, Carl ran on ahead; following Ash as Judith called for her team to guide them towards the dog howling out for their attention.

  "Hey─ What is it, Ash?" The one eyed male began, extending an arm to brush back the dead leaves to reveal the image of a deteriorating structure standing beyond the trees.

Sitting by the front porch, Ash gave a tilt of his head before whining out and pushing his body through the door that was still left propped open by just a crack.

Carl felt a lump hit the pit of his stomach, but he sucked it up and marched through the mud─ despite the sickening feeling that overcame him. Entering just behind the dog, his one eye studied the quiet room; listening to the creaking sound of rotten wood settling under his heavy boots.

Taking small steps inside the house, he sniffled back the smell of dampness that lingered before his concentration would be guided to the limp body rested in the room's corner─ currently being devoured by a few walkers.

Fear sunk in him, but that was quick to turn into some relief to find the figure to be a dark haired male. Slowly knelling down, Carl inspected the scene─ and how blood continued to pool around the victim's skull. He'd place his digits on the male's temple, giving his head a slight tilt to get a good look at the deep wound. It was clear to him that it was penetrated by a knife, and it all occurred not too long ago, too.

   Tucking a hand into his holster, he removed his gun─ pressing the head of his silencer to a walker's cranium. He sighed as he watched their bodies fall onto the male's corpse, one by one.

With a small flinch at the sound of Ash's bark, the teen peered over his shoulder; eye squinted to find the Labrador sniffing at a piece of clothing that was carelessly left sprawled across a couch.

"Shit. . What the fuck happened in here?" Judith uttered to herself whilst entering the living room, staring wide eyed at the lifeless figures.

Carl ignored her comment, and stepped closer towards the dog; briefly placing a hand on his head to give it a comforting rub─ though his gaze appeared to be captivated by the hoodie and backpack left behind.

"Good boy."

September 13th ┆11:31 pm

"As most of you have heard, we lost one of our strongest soldiers this evening. . My boy─ Kyle. He had left the safety of our walls in preparation of the big show tonight. He was brave, selfless, but now, his glowing light is left in the hands of God. . To give you all time to grieve; myself, especially─ the attack on the Hilltop will be postponed until further notice. . Go about with your evening."

Closing her eyes, Ana's head hung low as another sob choked out; a string of saliva falling from her lower lip whilst the warm water pelted down─ washing the fresh blood off her smooth skin.

Her arms hugged around her exposed chest; nails lightly penetrating into her layer. With mind so occupied over recent events, as well as the pain shooting down her body─ the scratching of her nails across her own dermis seemed so numb to the touch. She didn't even realize she was standing in the shower for over an hour until someone came along to knock at the door, complaining about the excessive time she spent in there.

   Switching off the water with the simple turn of the rusted faucet, she picked up her towel; wrapping the soft fabric around herself to conceal each curve.

   "Took you long enough." A woman scoffed, her own towel already folded under her arm before she'd rudely push her away through─ ultimately slamming the bathroom door behind herself.

   Anais brushed off the interaction, limping her way along towards the room where she'd temporarily rest; toes curling at the severe pain her body tried greatly to endure with each living second.

   "It was them, General. I'm telling you." Dr. Stevens said, voice flooding with hints of distress as he made an attempt to follow George up the hallway.

   As Philips walked by without even giving the teen a glance, he rolled his shoulders back; huffing out in annoyance before he'd stop on his path to turn to Patrick, "Are you sure?"

"Yes─ Myself and Trevor went out to retrieve Kyle's body for his burial, that's when we saw those Hilltop folk sniffing around the place. ." Deeply swallowing, Stevens looked up at the General whilst adjusting his glasses, "We have reason to believe they had something to do with your son's death. Not the lurkers."

"Well─ take the weapons out of storage and set them aside in your office. Make sure each gun's clips are full."

Feeling her fingers curl around the fabric of her towel, Anais caught her lower lip between her teeth─ glancing over her shoulder at the two men now and again as she entered her room.

The Hilltop? Out on this side of the woods? At this hour especially? It doesn't seem likely.

Eyes still focused to the ground, Ana didn't allow her towel to fall by her feet until she knew the bedroom door was securely locked─ she'd then proceed to dry herself off, and dress herself into the set of clothes that were neatly folded out for her upon the end of the mattress.

Hearing the rattle from the doorknob, Williams pulled down her shirt correctly before stretching out an arm to unlock the door─ suddenly stepping herself aside as General Philips welcomed himself to enter.

"Good. You're decent." He began, gripping a hand by his holster. Anais instinctively watched as he did so.

"Change of plan. The attack is back on."

Looking up at him, Ana's eyes grow wide, "I─ Sorry? What happened to grieving, and─ and waiting it all out?"

"We grieve after we kill those sons of bitches for murdering my son."

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