𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 ⇢ 𝟶𝟶𝟿

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September 6th ┆10:28 pm

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September 6th ┆10:28 pm

Arching a brow, the male proceeded to lean in just a tad bit closer.

"Why do you want to help me?"

The room now filled with silence─ so quiet, anyone could hear the smallest drop of a pin. Softly swallowing, Anais gathered a second to think of the correct words to reply. She couldn't simply tell him now, with Matty gone, she didn't wish to wander this land of terror alone. Frankly, ending up alone was one of her biggest fears. In some weird way, they needed each other.

"If I was to die tomorrow, I guess I wouldn't be able to rest peacefully knowing that I could've at least attempted to bring some good to this world."

After a brief pause, she cracked a faint smile, "Plus, helping some ghost boy reunite with his family would be quite an. . interesting story to tell one day."

Carl couldn't help but softly chuckle, leaving behind the lightest of smiles to mark over his lip's edge, "All of that sounds good to me."

  Gaze drifting to the surface they sat on, Anais eventually rested back on the mattress─ disregarding the dry pool of blood that marked its way into the sheet's stitching, "Alright, I'm gonna hit the hay."

   Although they hardly knew each other, she felt some sense of safety with him. Enough so to rest. She was the key to bringing his contact through to the living, so he felt no need to put his dominant, threatening manner on display.

  Closing her eyes, she exhaled in an attempt to relax her form; merely to peek open an eye a second later.

   "So, like, do you sleep? ─Or is it more of a 'I stay up all night and feel no desire to sleep' kind of thing?"

  Letting out another chuckle at her words, Carl gave a weak nod of his head, "It's a 'I stay up all night and feel no desire to sleep' kind of thing. ."

   The corner of his lip twitched, pushing to curve into a small smile.

  "I can still daydream─ I mean, it's rare. It's 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙖 like sleep. It's just. . There's no need to sleep when you have no battery to recharge, you know?"

  After a short pause, his lips somewhat purse, "I do miss it, though. I never did do it much when I was alive─ with the end of the world and all, but when I did? Damn. ."

  He looked down, emitting a sigh in content. By the look on his face, the maiden could tell he was reminiscing. She felt this was her cue to sleep and leave him to his thoughts.

  "Goodnight, Carl."

Turning over; back now facing the male, she granted her mind the opportunity to rest─ something it so deeply craved.

  Grimes sat, watching as she did so. He could easily view how her body eased, and seeing that somehow replicated the action to grow over his own form.


September 7th ┆08:12 am

"No, I can't do it."

Cocking up one of her thick brows, Anais took a small step back into the porch of the church─ eyes darting towards the male's direction.

"Why the sudden change in mind? You were eager about going out to find your family last night."

Carl paused, swallowing before taking another glance at the opened door, "I just─ I 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩."

"If you don't come out here right now, I will drag you out here myself."



Groaning out in defeat, the teen looked down; watching in caution as he lifted his foot, guiding himself closer to the exit of the place he called home for quite some time. Against the sun beams obnoxiously glowing upon his visage, his only eye squints over. It was the blaring glare of light he shielded himself out of for quite some time now.

Sighing softly, he lazily rolls back his shoulders, but Anais was quick to see how tense his muscles became with every nearing second, "Happy?"

Watching as he glanced around; taking in his surroundings─ the girl cracked a grin, "Absolutely."

  Spinning over on her boots, causing some movement from the gravel she stood on; the maiden viewed the scenery, taking it all in to memory.

   "So," Anais began, lightly placing her hands upon her hips, "Where do you think they'd be?"

  Carl remained in silence─ rubbing at the grey tinted skin on his forearm. Out in the open world, he felt strongly uneasy. The solid demeanour drastically changed into one of delay, nervousness and caution.



Snatched from his daze, the adolescent set his single orb back to focus on the being standing before him, "What?"

"Your family. Do you have any idea where they'd be?" Anais repeated, exhaling out heavily.

Granting his hand the opportunity to release his arm─ loosely falling back by his hip, his gaze drifted down, momentarily dragged into silence again to think of the correct reply.

  Being so out of touch with the mortal world, and the damage within his brain─ to say he didn't have the best memory would be an understatement. Images constantly flickered themselves in mind, almost like patches of a dream. All he had to do was fit it all back into place.

  Without the second of explanation, Grimes walked ahead; leaving Anais to aimlessly follow behind in confusion.

  "Where are you going?" In an attempt to catch up with the boy following the trail ahead, the female jogged her way behind─ finally decreasing her speed once she met with the teen's pace.


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