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September 14th ┆12:44 am

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September 14th ┆12:44 am

"Ana. . Ana, what are you doing? What the fuck?"

Carl said out, and Anais could so easily hear the distraught in the voice the others were incapable of hearing.

Feeling tears glisten over in her eyes, Williams softly sniffed─ ignoring the spirit to look up at the siblings staring at her from above the man-made tower. Both appeared just as distraught, but not like Carl. The feeling of betrayal hit to his very core.

Slowly lowering his gun, R.J looked at Anais; tears threatening to build up in his own eyes, but he'd manage to blink them away.

"Go ahead, Anais! Show these sons of bitches what you got!"

September 13th ┆11:48 pm


Williams remained in silence. She figured it'd be best to keep her mouth shut, especially with George being deep in one of his moods.

"Sir? Sir, will you join us outside for a moment? It's urgent." With Patrick poking his head from around the door, Philips groaned to himself before briefly setting attention back to Ana.

"Keep your ass in this room, yeah? I'll be back to let you know when we leave." Giving her lightly freckled cheek a small pinch, he forced a grin before leaving her to her own company.

Listening as the latch made a clicking sound once the door closed over, Ana took one quick glance around before following in his footsteps─ slowly creaking the frame of oak back open to cautiously peek out to find not a soul in sight, to her relief.

Quietly stepping out into the hallway, her digits fall behind─ latching to grip digits around Pepper's butterfly knife.

Her eyes dart back and forward on her way towards Dr. Stevens' office─ up until she entered, closing the door securely behind her. A wash of relief overcame the teen by successfully getting herself into his office without being caught, but she had no time to relax.

Spinning around on the heel of her boots, a sharp gasp slipped itself out of Ana. For just a second, she swore her heart stopped beating.

"Fuck. ." Williams swallowed heavily, trying to stop the sickening feeling from rising up her gut. Tears glazed over her eyes, simply by resisting herself from vomiting up the lining of her stomach.

Pinching her nose to prevent the strong scent from meeting the sensitivity of her senses, she approached the examination bed to closely view Kyle's mutilated corpse. She wished to look away, but the sight of the male's guts almost spilling out of his stomach─ it was something Ana couldn't take her eyes off. She could only assume that it was due to shock, or the fear of him suddenly waking up from what should be his internal sleep, even though she was more than aware of shutting down his brain before that could occur.

With a shake of her head, she tried with all of her strength to apply concentration back to the task at hand. Starting herself off by tying her hair back from her visage.

   Clearing her throat, Anais tried to hold her breath every few seconds to stop herself from inhaling the foul smell as she zipped open the duffel bag propped up on his desk; giving herself the opportunity to scan eyes over the weapons that were placed inside.

"Sweet. ." Williams uttered to herself, but by the corner of her eyes─ she caught Patrick's glasses settled by his desk's edge.

  She grasped that second to inspect the frames, and how one was blacked out─ unlike the other. The teenager didn't quite know why, but Carl was quick to grace her train of thought.

   Extending an arm, she snatched his glasses and tucked them in her pocket before the female would proceed to reach into the bag to pull out the guns─ cradling each one under her arm before glancing back at Kyle's corpse, pausing for a brief moment of thought.

September 14th ┆12:44 am


Snapping back into reality, the young woman looked back at the General─ eyes somewhat narrowed as her fingertips grazed over the handgun's grip that was placed in her holster.

    Removing the firearm, Ana raised it─ aiming it directly at Judith. Her digits turned a light shade of red as she squeezed tightly on the gun's grip, lightly applying her index on the trigger.

   "Get fucking down!"

Anais's voice echoed out as she instantaneously swung her arm around─ pressing down on the trigger once aim was locked on Philips.

   All Ana heard was a cry before she'd seek for shelter behind the darkness of one of the thick tree trunks.

"Fuck─ Kill her! Kill them all!" After hearing those words being commanded by the man that possessed the husky voice, all hell broke loose.

   As Ana listened to the many bullets being pelted from each side, her hands began to tremble. Looking down, she removed the clip to check the ammunition left in the cartridge before she'd ready herself to shoot out again.

   "Hey." As a gasp fell from the brunette's mouth─ a hand was quick to slap over it to prevent her from doing just that.

   Staring wide eyed at the teen gazing back at her, she fixed her hand around his wrist─ swiftly removing his palm from her face.

"Again? Really? That shit hurts, Carl─."

  Before her sentence could meet its end, she was cut off by the tight embrace the young male pulled her into; his face hidden just by her neck to memorise the heat that radiated from her skin.

   "Don't leave me like that again."

"Uh, if I remember correctly─ you were the one who walked away from me."

  Slowly pulling back from his hold, Ana flashed him a teasing grin─ which earned herself a soft chuckle in return, "Okay, fuck─ you got me there."

    For just a second, Anais thought she caught tears glistening over his one eye, but never got herself a good look before she could confirm it.

   "They're climbing over the fucking walls!"

Those words being shouted by Judith sent an immediate spark of alert to be set in both teenagers.

   Releasing a shaky breath, Carl peered around the tree before looking back at Ana, "Ready to beat some ass?"

  "Fuck yeah."

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