𝚕𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚎𝚜 ⇢ 𝟶𝟷𝟸

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September 7th ┆08:25 pm

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September 7th ┆08:25 pm


"Anais. ."


With a sharp gasp, her lids flick back; vision momentarily blurred before adjusting back to focus upon the thick clouds of smoke that smothered the little space she had.

   Releasing a heavy cough, her eyes attempt to fight the urge of closing over against the irritation of ash lingering the thin air. That was a losing battle on her part.

  Feeling arms linking around her slender physique, she allowed whoever or whatever to freely drag her limp body out of the car wreck. No care seemed to spring to mind with this new presence. Her only want was to close her eyes and rest her drained form.

  "Hey─ You keep those eyes open, okay?"

Anais squinted her eyes, weakly humming at the numbness that overcame her as she began to be dragged away from whatever was left of the burning vehicle. A warm liquid trickled down from her forehead, staining her skin already marked with dirt and scars.

   She'd try to look up; ignoring the pain in her neck, only to catch the brief view of a few strands of blonde before her eyes would close back over in sheer defeat.

Kicking his feet over the rooftop's edge, the teen gave a clear of his throat before taking another mouthful of what appeared to be a large tub of chocolate pudding, whilst he gazed along the abandoned suburb's surroundings. The faint sound of a groaning lurker could be heard, and ultimately ignored. With his arm extended and caught between the jammed window's frame from some inches behind, the boy found no reason to feel threatened.

   "You're awake." The young adolescent began, giving the edge of his lip a quick swipe with his tongue, "You better get a taste of this before I have it all to myself."

   With a soft huff, Anais sat herself up; lids squinted over against the obnoxious glare from the sunbeams glowing on her visage.

   Taking a moment for her mind to register and ease into this new scenery, she sighed─ turning her head to take a look at the teenager who has yet to earn her a glance, "What happened?"

    "Went searching for food. . I found some." Carl said, motioning towards the tin with a slight tilt of his head before taking another mouthful of the desert, "If you're asking about why I'm only wearing one boot, blame the dead guy behind us─"

   "Cut the shit, Grimes."

Clearly fed up with his need of using sarcasm towards her, Anais's gaze fell to her blood stained knees. She could already feel the bright blue orbs possessed by the other pierce into her soul.

    "I fucked up. ."

With these words being uttered, the brunette quickly set eyes back up to meet his gaze. Before she could ask, he sighed out heavily, "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

   Dropping the spoon back into the half tub of pudding, he set it to one side; brows narrowed before giving a slight tilt of his head.

  A moment of silence fell in between the two, gracing a space of nothing but the sound of singing birds and the faint moan from the dead.

   Curling a lock of hair back behind her ear, Anais pressed her lips together; softly swallowing before rolling her shoulders back in an attempt to fix her slouched posture.

   "What happened to you? In that car?"

Speaking these words, the girl was hesitant. She wanted to hear it from him, but strangely, a part of her didn't quite want to know. . Deep down, she felt like she already did.

"I. . . I don't know."

Furrowing her thick brows, she watched as the features upon his face began to change into an emotion she couldn't really identify. It contained such emptiness, with a hint of confusion, aggravation and hurt.

"You don't know?"

"Yeah─ And. . And that's the issue. I can't remember."

Slowly scanning focus over the female's face, his lips curled; applying a thin coat of saliva over the dry layer of skin, "Why did you make me leave Alexandria?"

Anais paused, initially baffled by his question, "What do you mean? You wanted to see your family. . I'm helping you find─"

"None of this would be happening right now if you have just left me there." With his once bright orbs suddenly turning into a pool of black liquid, Carl's arms extend; clinging to the girl's shoulders in a rough manner.

"Carl, you're hurting me." Anais said out in pure horror.

"Don't worry. . ."

With a large, sinister grin─ Grimes proceeded to squeeze at Anais's arm before carelessly forcing her body off the rooftop; watching the seconds leading up to where her lifeless body would inevitably slap to the pavement below.



September 7th ┆09:16 pm

Quickly sitting up with a sharp gasp, the brunette suddenly groaned out to feel some piece of metal to slap against her forehead; instantly adding more pain to spring to her already aching head.


Slowly bringing her hand up, she rubbed at her head with ease; feeling a small bump in the process of developing as she set attention to the lamp shade she just made forceful contact with.

With it being the first thing she views after being led up to such chaotic events, it was a surprise, surely.

Adjusting gaze around the room; she studied the set up. Upon inspection, it was clear someone merely settled there recently. The only glow in the room was the dim lighting coming from the candle sitting on the nightstand next to her─ neatly placed by some medical supplies and cased meds.

Her nose crinkled with the squint of her lids as she looked around some more; trying to make out the shadows around the bedroom.


Finding not a soul in sight, the brunette sighed, somewhat in relief. There was no sign of Carl, sure, but it was better than waking up to being held down by a walker─ a human, even.

Kicking her leg over the duvet, she groaned to feel some discomfort as she sat herself up; strands of greasy hair invading her visage.

After doing so, she deeply exhaled─ momentarily gathering herself and waiting out the intense pain. Her trembling hands fall onto her lap, resulting in great distress.

Eyes wide, the maiden raised her left hand to view it more closely. In complete disbelief, Anais counted over her digits many times, and each time it ended with the one answer─ four. Four fingers.

"What. . Fuck!"

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