𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 ⇢ 𝟶𝟶𝟾

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September 6th ┆08:04 pm

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September 6th ┆08:04 pm

Getting down on one knee, Carl ripped the knife that was still penetrated in the neck of one of the men─ sighing as he extended his arm, offering it back to Anais's possession.

Taking the switchblade back within her grasp, she briefly wiped the small weapon over the denim of her jeans before slipping it back in her pocket.

"That was pretty cool. . What you did. I didn't think ghosts could do things like that. You know─ make any kind of contact with the living, and having them feel it."

The teen looked up at the other before standing himself up correctly, brushing the hands coated in mixes of blood over his already dirty flannel, "I didn't think I could, either."

"Well, I could feel you. . . When you pressed a hand over my mouth, or when you grabbed my arm."

"That's because the body feels what the brain wants it to feel. You see me, and in your eyes it's normal human contact. If it ended up like anything else, your brain wouldn't be able to compute. . I guess you could say it's the mind trying to make sense of it all, or you'd pretty much go insane."

With a small nod of her head, Anais awkwardly looked aside, "Okay, good to know."

After some seconds of pure silence, the maiden arched her back; latching grip around the ankles of one of the men before dragging him out towards the door.

"How about you put your newfound power to work and help me with this?"

Rolling his singular orb, he proceeded to drag his feet across the room─ bending over to lock his arms under the biceps of the male Anais recently shot, before he'd begin to pull his limp form out of the church.

"Do you think these are the only ones?"

Resting the deceased straggler's body down by the grave she recently filled with dirt; the adolescent stood up, letting out a tired sigh as she watched Carl follow her actions, dropping the body by their feet.

"People? I wouldn't be so sure. There's always something wandering around."

Allowing his arms to effortlessly fall back to rest by his sides, he faintly set his eye upon the girl.

"But we'll have to wait and see, won't we?"

September 6th ┆10:27 pm

Crossing her legs to regain some comfort, the female cupped yet another handful of trail mix in her palm─ tossing it back into her mouth.

     The room was cold, and the damp smell of rotten wood filled the air, but they still managed to ignore those little things.

   Bringing his hand up, Carl allowed it to hover over the flame on the candle placed in between them─ trying to feel some kind of heat radiating. Of course, no result was earned. Not even a mark or burn was left to scar his skin.

    Anais watched him in silence, momentarily lost in thought when vision focused on the little light that glowed.

  "Can I ask you a question?"

Ultimately breaking the silence, Carl looked up at the brunette; brow arched in curiosity, "Sure."

  After swallowing the last of her food, she absentmindedly latched the tips of her digits on the hem of her shirt, lightly tugging on a line of loose thread.

  "I know this may be a touchy subject for you, but I can't not think about it."

  Curling his fingers, the male moved his hand away from the candle─ sitting himself up from his previous lounging position across the mattress.

   "How. . How did you die?"

Glancing away from the girl, Carl heavily sighed out─ almost in relief. Frankly, he expected this question to come up sooner or later.

   "Like most people die these days." He began with a slight nod of his head, "I got bit and, you know. . I took the easy way out of it."

  Merely by his response, Anais's gaze fell to the floorboards─ taking a second to register and erase the image that slowly began to creep to mind.

  "Fuck. . ." With a soft whisper, the teen slowly rubbed the back of her neck in efforts to ease off the goosebumps that spread over.

"I felt at peace with it, eventually. . I crammed in as much time with my family as I could─ I left letters, and pictures."

"Do you still feel at peace with it?"

He was quick to sink into silence, giving a shrug of his shoulders in return.

Carl could recall the moment he pressed the barrel of his gun to his temple─ ultimately pulling the trigger. He fantasied about seeing his mother and friends on the other side, if there was another side waiting for him. But the result? Let's just say it was a shock when no bright light was seen, and Lori wasn't the first face to greet him. He was confused as to why this happened, or what to do next. He was stuck. It was his purgatory─ the short experience in hell with the possibility of parole.

"When I woke up, I was laying in the same spot where I died. . I had to watch my dad cry, and the moments leading up to my burial."

Catching his lower lip between his teeth, he weakly chewed for the briefest of moments.

"They say when you die, you no longer feel pain. . but I never experienced a pain so severe by having to watch my own father bury me, and sob, and─and I couldn't help him."

It was easy for Anais to tell that Carl was struggling to contain whatever feeling that battled to release. For a split second, she thought she caught glimpse of tears glisten within his eye.

"Maybe that's why you can't pass on?"

Her words breaking that short stage of silence, the male with the bright blue iris directed it to set back on her visage; scanning down the features slow in study.

"You─ You can't rest easy knowing your dad was feeling that way. . You don't have the heart to just walk away like that."

Bringing his hand up, he left no time for hesitation to wipe the sleeve from his flannel over his lightly freckled cheek, "Maybe? . .I just─ I feel like I've missed something. I tried to leave them with some closure, but I guess it wasn't enough."

Emitting a soft sigh, Anais gave a small tilt of her head─ taking a slow glance down at his form, "Why not change that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I say we hunt down that family of yours─ and we could show them that you're okay, so you can finally rest easy."

Cocking up his brow, his lids somewhat squint over his orb, "How? I mean─ they can't see me, let alone hear me speak."

"That's why I said we."

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