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September 8th ┆10:32 am

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September 8th ┆10:32 am

  "I always wanted to do this."

Pepper hummed as she towered Anais's physique before pecking little kisses all over the sensitivity of her neck. The brunette remained still, eyes searching around the room in an awkward and anxious manner.

   Softly inhaling a quivered breath, the female's digits curled around the duvet; lightly clinging nervously, "Uh, you did?"

   In reply, Pepper hummed yet again before adding another few kisses to her neck─ gradually trailing them down to Anais's collarbone, whilst her hand freely wandered to fidget with her belt buckle.

   "I─ Pepper, I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with this." Placing a hand on the blonde's chest, she lightly applied some pressure to bring some space between the two.

    Pulling back, both faces a mere inch apart, Pepper arched a brow; scanning bright orbs down the girl's flushed face, "What? Do you not like me?"

   "No─ Yeah, I like you. I'm just. . I'm not ready for this." Anais stuttered, pausing to grasp herself the chance to come up with the correct words, "With the accident, and the pain─ I. . I want this to go perfectly."

   After a brief moment of silence, Pepper finally gave a nod of her head before climbing off the queen sized mattress, "Yeah, I totally understand."

   Sitting herself up, Anais brushed the palms of her hands down the creases of her shirt before shyly bringing focus up to Pepper─ in some way, trying to read the emotion by the look she displayed. She wasn't successful there.

   "How about I heat up that can of beans? I'll be back in a bit." Anais nodded, cracking a reassuring smile as she watched the maiden leave; listening as her footsteps descended down the hallway.

     No longer in the blonde's company, the girl released a deep sigh in relief. Although she liked the other, she found difficultly slipping into something like that so fast. Falling for someone was hard these days, considering the chances of death. Luck was in no one's favour.

    Carefully settling her feet to the floor, she slowly forced herself upright; lightly groaning before she'd adjust to the feeling and dragged her feet across the room. For the briefest of moments, she held her breath in an attempt to ease the aching discomfort in her ribs.

  "Did you find it? I left the map in the bushes."

  Arching a brow, Anais slowly walked down the dark hallway─ curiously listening to the words Pepper muttered from the kitchen.

    Brining the walkie talkie back to her mouth, the blonde quietly sighed, "I circled our current location on the map. It's a large house, you can't miss it. . Do you have the stuff?"

    Keeping herself concealed behind the wall, Anais peeked over to get a look at Pepper as she paced up and down the kitchen; lightly biting on the tips of her nails now and again.

    "Good─ Yeah, she's here. . Just hand over the amphetamines and she's all yours. I don't give a fuck what you want to do with her, pal."

   Taking a step back into the shadows, Anais stood in silence─ Pepper's words repeatedly running through her head in a constant loop. Hearing someone who was once titled as her best friend saying such things, it was no surprise that it threatened to bring some tears to her eyes.

Quietly sniffing, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hands before limping into the nearest room; closing the door behind her.

September 8th ┆10:54 am

"Hellooo! Ana Banana! Food's ready!"

Upon entering the bedroom, Pepper's brows furrow to find no sign of Anais. She proceeded to leave, stepping into the hallway yet again, "Anais?"

    Standing in sheer silence for a moment, Pepper listened for any kind of hint of the brunette's whereabouts. She gained just that when she heard a sniffling sound behind one of the doors.

   Before making any attempt to open the door, she knocked her knuckles against the board of oak, "You in here?"

   As her hand hesitantly reached for the doorknob, it quickly retracted it to find it already creaking open, but still, no sign of Anais came to her immediate view.

  "I'm coming in, okay?" Slyly, Pepper slipped a hand behind her back, clutching slender digits around the handle of her butterfly knife before giving the door a small shove.

   At first glance, not a soul was seen, which would prompt the platinum blonde to sigh in relief. The hand clinging onto the blade relaxed as her shoulders fell in a lazy manner.

  "Where's that fucking girl?" She mumbled to herself, spinning around on the heel of her boots to leave─ but before her foot could step out beyond the door's frame, her life came to a sudden halt as a blade slashed across her throat from behind.

     Eyes following as the blonde's limp body fell into a pool of her own blood, a sigh could be heard before an arm is raised to wipe the blood splatter from the skin on their own face.

   Before the room is left for the girl who would inevitably turn, her knife and walkie talkie are snatched to be tucked into the back pockets of worn out denim jeans.

    The moment the door is effortlessly closed behind her, there, Anais stood, face blank with an emotionless stare. The drastic actions she set upon herself have yet to fully register to mind.

    With a quiet inhale, she glanced aside─ sniffling to herself before limping her way back to the bedroom to gather her things in preparation of leaving the house.

September 8th ┆11:05 am

Staring at Pepper's mutilated corpse by his feet, a deep block of worry set in to the pit of his stomach for Anais' safety.

    Quickly stepping back, he walked down the hallways much faster now─ the sheer panic blaring his soul gradually increasing into some worrying levels as each door was pushed open to reveal the rooms that contained little to no evidence of the girl's location.

Suddenly stopping himself from moving ahead, he took a peek into the master bedroom to find a coat that looked far too familiar. It had to belong to Anais. That's when an idea popped to mind.

He was hesitant about it, sure, but right now he felt he had no other choice. A girl, one who was his only key to life, was most likely in danger. He had to do something. Anything.

September 8th ┆11:08 am

"Okay, I know we didn't have the best start, but can you work with me here?"

Carl sighed out, watching as the Labrador sat up─ licking at his nose to taste the fawn's bone he previously finished.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes. . " Leaning in just a tad, he cocked up a brow to catch glimpse of the name engraved on the dog's collar, "Ash? Okay, that's pretty cool."

Slowly knelling down to meet the dog's height, he extended an arm─ giving Ash the chance to get a good sniff of Anais's coat, and hopefully, catch a scent.

After a moment or so, he retracted to effortlessly tuck the coat back under his arm, "So, like, can you search now?"

Ash merely stared at the spirit, giving a tilt of his head as if to show his confusion before he stood up─ walking along a path, nose planted downward to sniff at the gravel as he did so.

Carl fixed his posture, sighing out a heavy breath before he proceeded to follow the retriever along.

"I'm sure your owners won't mind me borrowing you for a bit, will they?"

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