𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚎 ⇢ 𝟶𝟸𝟷

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"Yeah, that's the North Star

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"Yeah, that's the North Star. . To the end of the Little Dipper."

  Slowly rocking back on the chair, Carl looked on at the sky as the baby comfortably sitting on him did so, too, peacefully.

   Glancing down at her, lightly smiling at the soft sounds she made─ he proceeded to sigh, "If you get lost at night, you just find that star. ."

   In that moment, settled on the porch of their quiet home, right next to a dim candlelight─ Carl felt the kind of peace he hadn't felt in quite some time. He almost forgot what it was like to feel at ease.

   Anais stood on the steps nearby, body leaned up against a post whilst she watched the pair having their moment of bonding. They didn't acknowledge her presence. Frankly, she didn't believe they could even see her, which, to her, made her feel more comfortable to stand and admire the events that unfolded. It was the kind of scene that forced a smile to make its way to her mouth.

    All seemed good, until the adolescent fell into deep thought. Both seemed happy, so unaware of the inevitable end that would lead to come. Ana couldn't help but picture what it'd be like for Carl to lose her, and for Judith to lose him. That kind of connection to end due to some unfortunate events that would result in her older sibling's death.

   Lids shielding over her eyes now somewhat red, a single droplet raced down the brunette's cheek before a sniffle would escape in struggle of containing it all.

    For the first time in a long time, Anais wasn't picturing Carl's most horrifying memories─ but for some strange reason, this experience felt more painful to watch than any other.

"Ana. ."

   Lips parting to emit a quivered breath, her eyes slowly flicker open; granting more tears the opportunity to run down her lightly freckled cheek.

    Settling blurred vision to Grimes and his younger sibling, Ana's digits slowly curl─ lightly squeezing to maintain her composure once she saw him looking over at her; a free arm of his opened wide before he gave a tilt of his head, motioning her to join their company.

   Anais was hesitant to approach at first. She expected some scary scene to jump to mind and play on repeat. To say she was surprised to meet his side without anything bad happening would be an understatement.

   "Come 'ere." The boy said, wrapping an arm around her─ urging her down onto his knee to comfortably sit, "Closer."

    Williams did so, studying his visage through her teary eyes. She didn't yet speak a word─ honestly, she wouldn't be able to speak if she tried. She'd expect her words to be inaudible behind a loud sob.

    Lips somewhat agape, her eyes closed as Carl's hand briefly raised─ running the edge of his thumb over her cheek before it'd settle back to place on the small of her back.

     Tilting his head back, he sighed in content as Ana snuggled against his chest in exhaustion─ face hidden by the heat of his neck before a quiet cry followed to ease out of her.

  "Shh. . It's okay." The male hushed, rubbing at her back in a slow, comforting manner. He even began to soothingly hum into her ear, a song she was quick to recognize.

   Almost in relief, a weak smile crept upon the mouth coated in a thin layer of her tears. It was amazing what hearing those simple words could do to her.

For that split second, she felt some weight being lifted from her shoulders.

September 10th ┆07:01 pm

  "Hey. . Hey, are you awake?"

Eyes slowly squinting open, Anais sniffled─ raising a hand to wipe at her cheek to feel it wet, "Hm?"

With a clear of her throat, she sat herself up; multiple bones in her body making a clicking sound as she did so. Emitting a sigh, her tired eyes set on a male from behind the cell─ anxiously glancing aside now and again.

  "Oh, good─ She didn't kill you, then." Flashing a small smile; his dark eyes appeared somewhat brighter in shade, "I'm R.J. . You?"

  Williams paused, knitting both brows together before rubbing a hand against her tired eyes yet again, "Anais. . My name's Anais."

His lip's edge twitched slightly, merely by the sound of her name, but he was quick to force that away with a small shake of his head. Anais watched him─ studying; arms linked around her leg after pulling it close to her chest, allowing the other to sprawl across the mattress.

"I'm sorry─ about Judith, I mean. . I never seen her reacting like that before, especially towards a kid. Whatever you did. . It really struck a cord."

Tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans, he lazily rolled his shoulders back, "Who are you, exactly? Like─ why are you here? Hell, how'd you even find this place? Stragglers haven't wandered around these parts since we blocked off the roads months ago."

   For the briefest of moments, Anais paused to gather the correct words to reply without gaining any suspicion.

    "Uh─ I was attacked a few days ago by this gang. They broke into my house. . I killed them before anything got too bad, but after that─ Yeah, I kinda wanted to get away. Find a place to call home. That place. . It holds too many bad memories."

Whilst listening to hear story, R.J slowly nodded his head in understanding, "Damn. ."

"I just so happened to find this place. . Granted, I didn't know it was already occupied─ I just wanted to pass through."

After a short period of silence, R.J broke it by groaning to himself quietly in defeat. It was obvious to Anais he was battling with himself in mind─ and although it was against her morals, she had no other choice but to take advantage of that.

"Okay, I'll─."


The young man uttered cuss words under his breath before he looked aside, trying to maintain his composure as the female began to approach.

Once Judith entered Anais's view, anyone could hear her groan in irritation if they listened close enough.

"What are you doing down here?

R.J glanced aside at Ana, rolling his shoulders before pulling focus back to Judith, "Keeping Anais company."

Narrowing her lids, Judith leaned in that tad bit closer to him─ attempting to resist the urge to burst into rage, "What'd I tell you about talking to the intruders?"

"She's just a kid, Judith. . I don't see why we have to do this. What could she possibly do?" Rick sighed, slightly shaking his head.

"Kill us in our sleep?"

"She's unarmed, alone, and we have a whole community out there watching our backs. . If she somehow ends up killing us, I'll let you punch me as hard as you want when we meet up in Hell."


"What did Carl say? That we don't have to live this way. . That every life is worth something. Remember? You told me that."

    She fell into silence for a moment or so─ thinking deeply about her older sibling's words. It was almost too painful to think about.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, a scoff followed to emit before Judith rolled her eyes in defeat, "Fine. Let her out, but you're keeping an eye on her. . And when we get to Hell, I'll be hitting you super hard."


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