𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 ⇢ 𝟶𝟶𝟸

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September 6th ┆05:09 am

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September 6th ┆05:09 am

"He was right there! Matty, you 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 to believe me!"

Her cries would only result with a mere scoff in return from her visibly agitated companion.

"You make me go out there in the early hours of the morning, and for what? To stare at a few walkers? Are you 𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 to get us killed, Anais?"

"No! I saw a guy out there! He was looking right at me. Matt. . . I swear. He─ He had a bandage on his face, and─ and there was blood all over─"

With the narrow of his eyes, his nose would somewhat crinkle before he would tuck his gun back in the pocket of his jeans─ preparing to spin around on the heel of his sneakers to walk away.

"It was just a bad dream. Your head is messing with you─ Even if there was a guy, you'd think he'd last out there? There are walkers all over the place. You saw it yourself─ We could hardly step outside without being attacked by one of 'em."

Anais looked down, sighing out to herself before she raised a hand to lightly pinch her thumb and index against the bridge of her nose.

Of all people who were previously grouped up with them, she couldn't help but wonder why she'd have to be stuck with one of the most stubborn individuals that were left to wander the earth.

"I'm going back to bed. I suggest you try and get some sleep, too." Is all he'd say before he disappeared back up the staircase.

Flickering her lids back open, she took one last look around the dark room. The only sound that her eardrums could catch was the heavy breeze from behind the walls─ as well as the faint sound of lurkers groaning out hungrily; clawing against the oak frame of the front door as they did so.

The longer she stood, the more she could feel the same anxious feeling in her gut─ a feeling so similar to the one the male felt in her dream. It was like being in the presence of another, but their intentions were dire. It was normal to feel this way in this new world, but to this extreme? She felt safe within the walls. Well, she did. The change was so sudden. It was the quick smack of emptiness and vulnerability.

Taking a hesitant step forward, a heavy exhale emitted before she would carry on her way up the set of stairs─ guiding the legs she possessed that, in that moment, felt particularly heavy due to exhaustion.

Finally entering the bedroom, her body almost instantly fell upon the mattress; eyes shield shut, figure easing into the fabric. She swore she passed out the second her head met the pillow.

  Although all felt a peace, her mind still wandered into places of the unknown.

"We can't just leave her here. . She'll turn."

  Watching the female through his tear glazed eyes, he reached for the gun rested by his hip; settling his finger upon the trigger.

  He looked like the brunette who entered her dream before, but he seemed much younger, and no damage was done to his physical appearance─ his eye, to be more specific.


"She's my mom."

He'd quickly return as the woman who accompanied him held onto a baby, one merely born seconds before, closer to her chest to offer the infant some heat.

  Resting a hand on the back of the newborn's head, she hesitated before exiting the room; leaving the young boy with the body of his mother's mutilated corpse.

   He turned─ shadow towering the lifeless figure that sprawled by his feet.

  It was obvious that he was attempting to regain a strong appearance, but the image of his own mother in such a state. . Well, it'd bring tears to anyone's eyes.

    Legs now weak, he fell by his mother's side; body hunched over to cling the small arms he had around her slender physique─ sobbing quietly into the neck that now contained no pulse.

   The hat he wore, one that appeared to belong to a person of authority, fell off the young male's head as he held her tighter─ eventually releasing to compose himself.

   Adjusting the hat back on his head, he then pressed the barrel of his gun on the deceased woman's forehead; forcing his shivering index down on the trigger.

   The mere sight of blood releasing from the small hole in the woman's temple sent the young boy into an instant state of disbelief.

   Bringing himself back up onto his feet, he fixed the gun in his holster before walking away─ ignoring the crying woman that waited for him just beyond the room, still clutching the quiet infant close.

   The boy, now to be identified as Carl, continued to walk on until he entered a small space that appeared to be an opened prison cell.

   On the bottom bunk, just by the edge of the mattress, he sat himself down; eyes completely focused to the stained, messy floor. He didn't realise he was crying yet again until his vision blurred over with a mask of tears.

   A weight was quick to apply itself to his chest and shoulders. He didn't yet speak on the pain he just endured, but the feeling that lingered─ Anais could so easily feel it, too. As each image skipped by to mind, the weight grew heavy, almost leaving the lungs breathless.

  The female woke up with a heavy breath, almost as though she was engulfed into massive waves of water.

Slowly sitting herself up for her back to make a soft pop sound, Anais brought a hand up─ brushing her wet, flushed cheeks with the back of her hand.

The teen sat there in the same spot, in the same position, attempting to gather herself and the events that began to unfold in mind seconds before.

She couldn't understand why her brain would sculpt such visions, and why it came crashing all at once.

All she knew was that it was all connected to that boy. Whoever he was. Matty was no help─ so this was a story she would have to unravel herself.

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