𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 ⇢ 𝟶𝟸𝟼

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September 13th ┆09:13 am

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September 13th ┆09:13 am

  "R.J, go to the armoury and gather some weapons. Whatever you can carry."

   Dropping his spoon back into the bowl of stale cereal he was currently eating, Rick junior arched a brow, "Why? What's going on?"

  Adjusting the strap from her backpack back around her shoulder, the older maiden sighed out, "We're getting the kid back. Now, go get your shit. Let's hope she didn't run off too far."

   Although confusion was still displayed across the young man's face over her sudden change in mind, he went on to follow his older, half sister's orders─ no further questions asked.

    Softly exhaling against the cool breeze, Judith admired the sky that turned grey over their lot, "You owe me big time, Carl."

   Standing next to her, the adolescent crossed his arms; watching on proudly as Judith raised the hand that clung onto Carl's deputy sheriff's hat─ settling it on her messy head of brunette locks.

  "I gave you a very cool hat─ seems like enough to me." Carl teased in return, knowing it wouldn't be heard, but it made a cheeky grin grace his lips regardless. If she was somehow capable of catching that, he knew it'd earn himself a slap, surely.

Being dead did have its perks.

September 13th ┆02:23 pm

Staring up at the ceiling in a daze, Ana brought the cigarette back to her lips; inhaling the nicotine, satisfied to feel it flooding her lungs.

    Pinching her lips together, the smoke escaped and she focused on the puffs of clouds as they left the heat of her mouth─ absentmindedly listening to the droplets making little pecking sounds against the glass frame of the room's window. Her eyes briefly close over, finding the little noises to be rather comforting.


Lashes fluttering back, Ana sat herself upright as she adjusted gaze to George's figure, "Hm?"

With a tilt of his head, the male motioned her to follow before casually spinning around and walking off without the utter of another word.

Pressing the tip of her cigarette on the oak surface of the desk, she watched as the ash smudged before she'd proceed to reach across the desk to retrieve the set of crutches she was given some time before by Dr. Stevens after her recent incident. She then began to stand herself up with a soft grunt; injured leg slightly bent back to prevent herself from adding any pressure.

Leaning on the crutches for support, she limped along─ following the General out of the building once labelled as a quarantine zone.

As he stopped on his path by the main entrance, Anais copied his action; looking up at him to read the expression that was set upon his face. Frankly, she couldn't quite identify the looks he gave. He always seemed so emotionless.

Scanning eyes over his land with a sight, his lids slightly squint against the sunbeams struggling to glow through the dark clouds forming above their heads.

"The crutches. Lose 'em."


Without an explanation, Philips snatched her crutches, carelessly tossing them aside. Ana could only stand, helplessly watching as they landed in the grass that was in desperate need of a trim.

"I don't know if you're aware, but I need those."

Linking his arms behind his back, the older man gave a clear of his throat. He had yet to earn the adolescent a glance, "No, you don't. . If your leg hurts, suck that shit up. Take it like a soldier."

Curling her lips to add a layer of saliva over the chapped skin, she mentally fought back the temptation to cuss out at him.

"Kyle is going out on one last run before we start that trip to the Hilltop, and he'll need someone there to watch his back. You'll be going with him."

"But, the dude doesn't like me. Hell, he tried to fucking kill me─." Before her words could meet their climax, she is pushed off the front step of the building─ thankfully, she caught her balance before she could land face-first on the dirt.

"Really? 'Cause he asked for you to tag along with him. . Now, hurry your ass up. We need ya'll back by midnight."

September 13th ┆07:54 pm

  "Hurry the fuck up!"

Limping as fast as her legs could carry her towards the house, Anais glanced behind; staring cautiously through the showers of rain as the walkers following the two neared that bit closer.

Emitting a heavy groan, she pulled her body ahead─ struggling sighs of relief heaving out from between her lips once she successfully entered the empty house, untouched.

Allowing her backpack to fall by her feet, she glanced around─ confirming in mind that they were officially safe within the walls for the time being.

"That was close." The girl muttered, peeling off her wet hoodie to place it aside on the nearest couch.

Crossing her trembling arms over the vest now soaked through, she paused at the blonde's silence before turning to set gaze back on Kyle; his eyes blankly focused to her physique. The adolescent swallowed, awkwardly chuckling out to ease the nerves that suddenly came to alarm.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Ana sighed out, still attempting to regain her breath.

Abruptly approaching the brunette, Williams moved to take an anxious step back, only to be pushed back against the wall─ prompting a sharp gasp to slip out of her due to the sudden action, as well as the pain it gave to her already weak form.

Staring into the dark, lust-filled eyes staring back at her─ the female could feel her pulse begin to spring to a rapid rate, "We have shit to do, okay? Stop this."

Shoulders tensed up, Anais hesitatingly glanced aside as his hand glided down her arm; taking the thin strap of her vest down as he did so. It was like her words went in one of his ears, to simply fall out of the other.

His eyes followed the vest as it so effortlessly fell to catch itself by the buckle of her belt.

"We have to do something to wait out the storm, Anais. ."

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